Recent content by wildflower12

  1. W

    Quiz for Democrats????

    Let's review. First we take the amount spent on the Iraq war, add in the amout of the stimulus packages that were also supposed to get us out of recession (I used mine to help pay off my rediculously high school costs) the $700 Billion bail out package given to the banking industry... Ok. Now...
  2. W

    I don't know if anyone could help me with this issue. I've contacted everyone...

    I have a water softener that beeps like that when the salt level is low in it. It always goes crazy when the electricity goes out and I have to reset it. Could that be a possibility?
  3. W

    what is the greenest way to dispose of styrofoam?

    With the holidays upon us, the presents will be coming like mad, a lot of them packed in styrofoam. How do I get rid of it all without hurting the environment? Is it recyclable?