Recent content by WHOamim

  1. W

    I need BitTorrent Help?

    Im downloading something that has 1000+ seeders. When I start it it connects to a bunch of peers and seeders however im only downloading from 1-3 of them. There is a long list and nothing is happeningto the rest of them. Im getting around 40kbps from 1 or two people. I should be getting 1mpbs...
  2. W

    Why do some right leaners people compare gays to?

    Rape and molestation or bestiality How is that related to two consenting adults. I just want to under stand their logic.
  3. W

    how do i alter the digital clock on a volkswagen t5 van?

    its on the dash next to the auto gearbox shift number.
  4. W

    How does the desire to want a child not have a clear heterosexual leaning in it?

    The possibility of human pregnancy hangs on whether there is both male and female genetic material, though not all heterosexual couples can have children [due to diseases, obesity for example], and it shows that lesbian and gay people have chosen their respective paths, they have already eaten...
  5. W

    Did you know that world peace and love are a reality in Christ?

    Of course, not in this fallen world of ours, but in Christ it is so!
  6. W

    Why is it that 90% of religion bashers are atheist or agnostic?

    I meant bashing all religions (not leaving one out unbashed).
  7. W

    why wont my car stereo play my cds or my usb stick?

    the radio works but discs wont play and take ages to eject and my usb just wont get played? the make is a tevion.
  8. W

    i hope these jokes brings laughs on your lips...?

    Great! I like this. Thanks a lot.
  9. W

    What are the best sci-fi tv shows currently playing in 2009?

    stargate. voyager. sarah jane adventures.
  10. W

    question about ebay disputes/resolution?

    my friend had a problem after he sold an item on ebay when the buyer emailed him its fake. it cant be fake as its beckham after shave in beckham box. anyway he filed a dispute and paypal sided with the buyer and now my friend has to refund the buyer. is this fair? as it seems like the buyer...
  11. W

    just noticed my front seatbelts when pulling them out?

    the passenger side and drivers side belts seemed wet/damp? i pulled them both fully out and they are really damp. how can water get onto the belts inside the car is bone dry carpets etc. 2002 mk6 fiesta 5 door.