Recent content by Whipdon'ttakenoshite

  1. W

    What celeb do you imagine the Regs are like in real life?

    I'll start with Riggs, sorry Riggs but I envisage you as John McCriddock! roflmfao So Gart wouldn't that make you The Boobie??? roflmfao Anyways Gart you haven't answered the bloody Q!
  2. W

    Song in Celeb Come Dine With Me?

    The Killers - Are we dancin, Love that song, Love The Killers!
  3. W

    Celebrity Come Dine With Me, Edwina, would she wreck the mood at your dinner party?

    Hiya Steve, FFS you need to spend more time on here, not seen you in AGES!
  4. W

    Celeb RTV shows, d'you think there's a list of celebs who go on all the RTV the yellow pages? And whenever anybodys making a new RTv show they just consult THE LIST? LOL' Whats next Vanessa Feltz and Bianca Gasgoine on Dancing on Ice?
  5. W

    DOI, Who's going to go next then?

    And could you please answer this Q as well peeps?;_ylt=Air_FT_lnKacgtzxjLFc9FwgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090208173634AAq2zM5
  6. W

    What RTV shows do you....?

    I watch BB, CBB, IACGMOOH, X Factor, Wife Swap, Holiday SHowdown, DOI
  7. W

    What celebrities would you like to see on DOI?

    Ulrika Jonston, would love to see her fall on her @rse! LOL Does she count as a celebrity??? She did win CBB so she MUST be one! LMAO
  8. W

    Anyone watching Celebrity Big Brother: Big Mouth?

    roflmfao, I'm gonna watch it on E4+1 CAN she lose weight though??????
  9. W

    was ulrika a worthy winner of celebrity big brother ?

    Coolio should have won, he was the ONLY deserving winner in that house!
  10. W

    who was the best celebrity big brother housemate ever ?

    Coolio.... Afro I'm shocked, I thought you WANTED Ulrika to win?
  11. W

    Who was the first male celebrity to be voted out of Dancing on Ice?

    Graeme Lascaux, it was really unfair, Todd Carty should DEFINATELY have went, he can barely walk on the bloody ice nver mind skate, yet thats the public for you, he wasn't even in the bottom 2!
  12. W

    Celeb BB, Mutya's walked, don't you think there should be some sort of

    consequence for contestants who walk? In Celeb BB if they leave then they're forfeiting a percentage of their earnings etc???? And not just in Celeb BB, normal BB as well!
  13. W

    Is it just me that loves La Toya Jackson on Celeb BB???!!!?

    I agree, Latoya or Coolio to win!
  14. W

    Celeb BB, anybody else LOl @ Coolios description of Tina? A bowling ball...

    ...on legs? lmao?
  15. W

    Celeb BB, who was worse in taking over the kitchen, Carole or Coolio?

    Carole, remember she had pube hair???