Recent content by wecouldbeheroesee

  1. W

    Rolls not Buns!

    You would incorrectly call it a bun
  2. W


    It's actually not that bad of a show, except for the flashing gang signs every 30 seconds.
  3. W

    I just don't get...

    Personally I would never leave a game early unless I was forced to. The end is as much a part of the experience as the beginning. (As Confucious might have said had he been a football fan.) And I don't like to miss anything which I might want to know about later, whether it be on the field or...
  4. W

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Mischievous kittens Grrrrrrrr. 2 of my cats had kittens about 3 days apart so there are 9 of them about 7 weeks old right now running around the house making a huge mess and destroying things. Yesterday I came home to find one of them stuck in the back of a chair. The spokes that make up the...
  5. W


    how many of you have been good this year and are you ready for santa coming?it's a good time to indulge in your favourite past time pick me ups and to spend alot of dosh!
  6. W

    Chrismas Fun

    You: Do you use viagra? Santa: I use viagra as often as possible.
  7. W

    true or false

    true has done coke
  8. W

    Baby Killing Is Contageous In Germany

    The younger you are, the more righteous indignation seems righteous. You are right that it is wrong, and these people should be punished. Killed, in my opinion, but the world is an ugly place and there are worse things going on. At the end of the day, righteous indignation is just fluff. You...
  9. W

    Fatty gets kicked off Airplane.

    Were they thrown out during the flight? Hopefully. :dodgy:
  10. W

    Ordering Pizza in 2020

    Actually thats mostly all true now. Yay for Patriot Act.
  11. W

    *The Original TSR Sexy Biatch Society*

    chavin it up, burberry style!
  12. W

    About "0" Posters

    About "0" Posters Who cares? They don't want to post that's fine. I think they might be missing out on something..but if they just want to lurk..that's fine.
  13. W

    Are the majority of people on TSR really clever?

    Many are really good at passing exams. There are also the odd few that have emerged from the same gene puddle, but you get that with all boards.
  14. W

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Ava- 10/10: Its just fantastic. Sig- 9/10: Never heard that quote before and aside from being quite funny you managed to get the word anal rapist into your signature which is really quite an achievement.
  15. W

    June 6th, 1944 The Day of Days

    My grandpa has a german steel helmet with a hole straight through the temple :ugh: