Recent content by vrzz

  1. V

    Is the Obama Administration sort of like Carnival Cruise Lines?

    It's so horrible, as you say, that Mitt Romney won in November in a very convincing way.......wait a minute!
  2. V

    Cons, can you please make up your minds and take part in a short survey?

    A lot has been said about Obama, some right, some completely off, but there seems to be a lot of contradiction and confusion among you guys. A. One post will say Obama is the dumbest, stupidest, most inept President in history. B. Another post will say that Obama is a deceptive, calculating...
  3. V

    Does anybody else laugh as hard as I do when I look at the Republican field?

    The entire country is having a laugh at the expense of Republicans. I guess they're good for something after all.
  4. V

    What's this emergency test c0ns are whining about?

    Supposedly Obama and his legion of Socialist followers are crawling through their TVs and confiscating their life belongings. What happened? Why are you guys crying? Was this reported on Fox "News?" Is that why you guys are freaking out?
  5. V

    c0ns, has the time come to start whining about the imaginary war on Christmas?

    .....or does that happen after Thanksgiving, when the familiar faces on "Fox News" usually start whining? Richard - I'm an atheist, and I have no problem with Christmas. NJ - So true, what was I thinking? X-Mas!
  6. V

    Why do conservatives like to ask questions about Obama's race & his food preferences?

    Because they are NOT racist, okay????
  7. V

    Why do old people argue like infants?

    I've given up on c0nservatives.
  8. V

    Would Liberals try to eliminate religion from society if they could?

    Not from society, but I wouldn't make laws and/or try to force others to live by the beliefs, teaching and standards of a fairy tale. People have the right to pray to imaginary beings in private; however, this DOES NOT mean that they should try to inject their beliefs in public schools and our...
  9. V

    Hypothetically, what would atheists say when they die and actually meet their...

    "Why are you such a d**khead?", if it's bible god.
  10. V

    Jews, Muslims, etc. believe in God -- yet the atheists usually only dump on

    In America, christians are the ones who try to mingle their fairy tale with government affairs, not jews or muslims.
  11. V

    Does Glenn Beck suffer from split personalities?

    I doubt it. However, it does seem that he suffers from insanity.
  12. V

    Atheists, some fools among you say Jesus Christ even did not exist at all;...

    The who I'm not sure about, but I'm pretty certain it was created to control the masses. Now, did the creators ever imagine it to be as big as it is today? I doubt it. For the record, I'm one of those "fools" who says jesus never existed.
  13. V

    What gives the liberals a silly idea that gays want to be represented by them?

    Palin/Plumber 2012 Did I miss your question or is this another self gloating rant by a racist right winger?
  14. V

    "Religion is considered by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by

    Very true, and accurate.. The following is one of my favorites: "With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
  15. V

    Spiritually speaking do you think that it might be possible that the...

    Well said. Israel has been America's adopted, and spoiled child for too many years. Bombings of innocent children is never okay, regardless if you are sky daddy's chosen people, or have been under attack by the Hamas.