Recent content by verbalkint

  1. V


    I did it when I was like 10 and realized how fucking stupid it was
  2. V

    Obamacare or the ACA

    One must always be aware of the context of the situation they are in. "I'm going to leave the country because I hate it!" needs to be set to an appropriate situation. This one was rather minor for such a proclamation. The best thing I can allude to is hearing my fellow boots proclaim they hate...
  3. V

    Another Self-Surgery.

    You're stupider than fuck. Read my quoted article.
  4. V

    Split- US Donations

    did you actually read my post, or just the first few words before you hit the reply button?
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    ideal street racing car

    told ya i know squat about cars, but does any kind of turbo thingy exist in real life? or what about changing the engine?(updating a little chasis in the process maybe, making it more effective and more eye-candy)
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    I have a question..

    Fair enough fair enough. I asked about socialism (well mild socialism as in Europe) since it could really reduce the amount of criminals in a society, but that's a topic for another time and another place. As I see it, America loves guns and hates socialism, and both lead to increased use of...
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    Who Created God?

    So is my daughter skyler. I have moved from wicca, to being a celtic pagan. And if you read my post, I stated: I could be wrong, doesn't matter to me ether way, I am just saying there is no way to prove who's rite or wrong. And that the high pedestal that some religiouse ppl place them selfs...
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    2nd Amendment Ruling

    Actually, the court didn't rewrite anything. The militia argument has become only a relatively recent straw man of the gun control lobby. The reality is, "militia" as defined by the framers referred to every able bodied man. So even using your argument that only the militia should have arms...
  9. V

    I ate a trifle.

    i disagree
  10. V

    pimple on my butt

    you suck at dodgeball how did they hit your ass?
  11. V

    Protests in Arab world

    So, you'd have us go to war with Bahrain and the UAE as well? What about China on behalf of Tibet or Russia on behalf of Chechnya? Or do we just help out the countries where it would be easy? The thing with the middle ground is that is leaves both sides feeling like they got the raw end of the...
  12. V

    Photography Thread....

    Finally got round to sticking up a selection over on photobucket take a peek a lot are taken with my mobile phone and also my new camera, first real camera I have owned so go easy! pictures are from back when I was 15 learning at the Temple School with Tony Leung, Scotland and the Lake...
  13. V

    The No-Topic Thread

    If we can have karaoke/hostess bars up here in Newcastle, I'm sure you guys way down south have nekkid lady tables... Hmmmm, perhaps a mobile sushi van? Take sushi out of the major cities and into the housing estates...
  14. V

    Racism or Parody

    But Bernard Manning is a fat white b*****d Possibly he could object to being called a b*****d, but racist? he's white, its a skin colour, grow up and deal with it.
  15. V

    Be amazed

    One of the best songs ever.