Recent content by ValentineG

  1. V

    can i connect a Samsung DVD HDD recorder with HDMI to SKY HD to my HD TV

    I have a samsung dvd recorder with 160GB hard drive....with HDMI socket then connect the hdmi to SKY HD via HDMI. then connect that to my HD TV. the thing is both skyhd and dvd recorder has only one hdmi slot.while my tv has two slots can i use a hdmi splitter on the skyHD and split the...
  2. V

    will a double hdmi socket work between a dvd recorder, skyplus HD and a HD TV

    Heres the problem i want to connect my Samsung DVD recorder to sky plus HD then connect that to the HD TV. ALL via HDMI to get the best quality. my TV has two HDMI sockets. but both the dvd recorder and sky plus hd has only one socket. i don't want to use scart. so will a hdmi adapter work if...
  3. V

    Will a hdmi switcher socket work between a dvd recorder, skyplus HD and a HD TV

    i want to connect my Samsung DVD recorder to sky plus HD then connect that to the HD TV. ALL via HDMI to get the best quality. my TV has two HDMI sockets. but both the dvd recorder and sky plus hd has only one socket. i don't want to use scart. so will a hdmi adapter work if i connect the hdmi...