Recent content by Usagi393

  1. U

    What religion and country/background are you originally from?

    Shinto/Japan I'm not Shinto anymore though.
  2. U

    Why do Atheists bash religion? And What is their purpose? See link?

    Lol, where on earth on you even finding these pictures?
  3. U

    If atheists think Judaism is what religion should be, why do atheists still eat pork?

    I agree with the Jewish teaching of non-preaching, but that doesn't mean I agree with EVERYTHING in Judaism. If I did, I would be Jewish, now wouldn't I?
  4. U

    What is a fun way to destroy my iPhone 5?

    Have you flushed it down the toilet?
  5. U

    What if Judaism, Christianity, etc is just a hallucination taken seriously?

    Haha, funny. I guess the Abraham religions are just dehydrated, mass hallucinations.
  6. U

    How Islam ,Judaism and Christanity are related to each other ?

    Judaism was fist, about 6,000 years ago, followed by Christianity, 2,000 years, and then Islam 1,400 years ago. They all have faith in one God (monotheism.) Judaism existed until a sect of Jews split from the mainstream, claiming Jesus Christ was their Messiah, forming Christianity. Islam was...
  7. U

    I love all religions !!!?

    That must be some opium you're smoking
  8. U

    Is Judaism a racial thing or a religious thing?

    Both. You can be ethnically and/or religiously Jewish
  9. U

    are there any christian terrorists?

    The IRA The wars in Ireland, between the Catholics and the Protestants, could be considered terrorism
  10. U

    Atheists: Some Christians say: don't read Bible if you don't want to be Christian?

    That's circular logic if I have seen one. I'm starting to get a headache
  11. U

    people of Judaism, Islam and Christianity come answer my question?

    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist this question because Charmander is so cute! :)
  12. U

    So, now turns out that people who aren't Christians are evil? Please someone...

    Religion 101 is that anybody who is not with you, is against you. Christians aren't the only ones guilty of this tactic.
  13. U

    What religions are people not allowed to have sex?

    Definitely the Abraham religions. It's weird. No sex before marriage, but then you can populate like rabbits afterwards. I don't get it.
  14. U

    Working in the mental health field, I've noticed a disturbing trend. More and...

    Mkay...thanks for the warning, I guess