Recent content by under_score

  1. U

    I Ate too Much Poll: Are you always waiting til "tomorrow" to start your diet?

    I LOVE Stuffed Belly GIrls Your AWESOME!!!!! POLL: I never Diet, I don't need too!!!
  2. U

    POLL : How is your life without INTERNET ?

    I'd go on a killing spree!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol joke, i don't Know, I guess more "outdoor" stuff.....
  3. U

    Have you ever said how hot you think a celeb is, then all your friends turn...

    Yes, LMAO that Always happens Everybody has different tastes
  4. U

    Have you ever said how hot you think a celeb is, then all your friends turn...

    Yes, LMAO that Always happens Everybody has different tastes