Recent content by TyreeD

  1. T

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    So, has this entire discussion reached the level of just yelling at eachother telling eachother in smart little ways that you're better then the other person cause' the other person is stupid . . . . or is there an actual discussion going on?
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    I would close my mouth really tight, so no one tried to fuck my mouth after I died.
  3. T

    Charitable giving

    One nice feature of Charity Navigator is they give you a nice breakdown of how charities spend their money. I found one charity for blind veterans that spend 76% of donated money on fundraising while only 18% went to actually help blind veterans! To contrast the Wounded Warrior project, which...
  4. T

    Miley Cyrus fans look here.

    margin fucked aaahhh :eek:
  5. T

    Bday ideas

    He must of been born into a wealthy family.
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  7. T

    Evolution: The MAP Discussion ID is an argument from incredulity, that's why it's wrong.
  8. T

    20K biatch!!!

    Ah Slip, From another 'Old Timer', it's quality, not quantity that counts. Unfortunately I suspect you have me beaten on both. Congratulations. JWT
  9. T

    Going snowboarding.

    what if your on your toe edge. then thats shitty advice. The worst thing beginners do is keep pressure on their heel edge. then they have mad trouble switching to toe edge and end up plowing down the hill goin regular heelside and to go the other way they ride switch guessed it, their...
  10. T

    Paris Hilton out.

    LOL "NOOOOOOOOO" LMAO just class
  11. T

    Any advice/wisdom for getting over breakups?

    Hey guys, I've just had a really harsh unfair breakup, none of which was why fault, even she has said that, but I really don't deserve it. I've been coming to terms with it and trying to get on with life, I am still pissed off and upset but it is getting a little less every day. I miss her, but...
  12. T

    UF doc who invented Gatorade dies at 80

    Its good to know that. :rolleyes:
  13. T

    LG Rumor to go up/down using keyboard?

    They dont have have 2 use the 2 on you directional pad
  14. T

    Pub Map!

    ooooo yeah its anths bday major drinkage in order. Whose he then wry?
  15. T

    Can I get the Sprint Instinct on a Everything Message plan? Thats 450 talk and

    Yes. You have to have a everything plan to get a Instinct