Recent content by tYourSweetestDownFallt

  1. T

    My kitten has fleas how do i get rid of them?

    No not at 8 weeks do not put flea medicine on her!!! you need some Dawn regular dishwashing liquid the reg. kind! Wash over and over in it and you'll see the fleas coming off wash rinse wash rinse..exc... Some may cling but there dead from the dawn, take a comb while her hair is wet and comb...
  2. T

    To what extent are 'race', class and gender inequalities inter-related?

    I am doing this essay at the moment and finding just getting stuck in very hard, though I know quite a lot about the subject. Could anybody suggest an introduction/anything that might help? (I am writing from the idea that they correlate strongly)
  3. T

    i need help with writing a introduction? Please?

    Your thesis is really good but now you have to add more detail about what you will be writing about. A tip is to write the body of the essay and go back to the intro because then you will know what your essay talks about. After you write you body, summarize what you wrote in your intro
  4. T

    Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....?

    Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....? Evolution: The change in allele frequencies in a population over time.Macroevolution: The pattern of evolution at and above the species level, including most of fossil history and much of...
  5. T

    Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    Men, I think they are more visually driven. Women are more the emotional beings. :)
  6. T

    Which gender do you think is the pickiest when it comes to looks of the opposite sex?

    gosh thats hardi would say women because men would do anything
  7. T

    So my question is HAVE U THOUGHT ABOUT THIS? Obama is muslim he is from th east?

    In the Bible it says "a man will come from the EAST" and also they predict the world will end in 2012, thats 4 years after he is president if he gets it, so does anyone else see a pattern in this?