Recent content by tru_beauty601

  1. T

    It wasn't my fault!

    Let us share our tales of injustice!! One day, I was on my way to one of Rolls-Royce's factories, where they make jet engines. It was an interesting site, I don't know how much you know about the construction of a jet engine... basically though, theres a hub in the middle, that's got loads...
  2. T

    Bloody Helicopter!

    Is it black? Turn off your lights when you hear it.
  3. T

    female passiveness

    do you fancy going camping sometime Carys? let me know
  4. T

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    but what do you do when it splashes back up?
  5. T

    Licking your own elbow.

    Hi guys Well, I never thought I'd be making this post, but... I'm sure most of you will have heard the myth that it is impossible to lick your own elbow. Yes, it is a myth. It's been featured across the web in lists of "amusing facts". Well, here today, I will prove once and for all, it is...
  6. T

    The End of PBnation

  7. T

    Cali VS Florida.....Best?

    I really like both of them, but I'm gonna go with cali since I go there more often.
  8. T

    How Many Broken Bones?

    1 I slammed my hand in a van door one time that hurt. edit- I've also had a knee cap dislocate and a MCL tear.
  9. T

    Ask a new Mod anything!

    What like rimming andyallen?
  10. T

    What grinds your gears? V. x.2

    I hate people who just like diss other celebraties and critisize them. I hate people who are obsessed with how they look and how they dress. I hate people that go through the day stressing like they have real life problems when all it is, is they don't have a dress for the party tonight!! I...
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    You'll end up looking retarded trying to dance with a girl lol.
  12. T

    School Locked down for Reported Ninjar Sighting

    dammit who brought back this dead thread
  13. T

    When will you get married?

    . People can do just fine with not getting married or waiting until later in their lives. I'm not really one that would do that, but it is their choice. And with 50% divorce rate in America, I don't see why people are soooo quick to get married to somebody with a good possibility of divorce in...
  14. T

    UK Internment Camps For The Disabled

    Came across this as well, Im not even a parent and I find this troubling. Government seriously needs to be scaled back. Raz
  15. T

    I have a question..

    Just to add on to this. I feel ridiculously safe here in the Netherlands, because I know that no one has a gun, and they don't have a legal right to shoot me. This breeds a very healthy culture were people have a mutual trust for one another, and I never feel at risk for my life, in fact I often...