Recent content by TriciaG28tAMt

  1. T

    Shameless plug for a good cause

    I'm already down for one! I'd just like to add as someone who knows this girl in real life that her artwork is always of a very high standard, to the extent that I'm often banned from being in the same building (let alone room) as her when she's painting/etching/etc. As such, you will almost...
  2. T

    Trouble deciding on a cell phone

    ipod touch, jailbreak, win
  3. T

    What style flooring do you have?

    linoleum? cobblestone? astroturf? you fail.
  4. T

    D Generation X

    Careful eleven he reported greasy into the mods
  5. T

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    A little more than grrrr to having a sprained shoulder and neck No karate for me. But in the bright side, little to no work either, as there is no way I can clean windows or make beds :P Still gotta fix my wing mirror though, ;/
  6. T


    Treat yourself to some ice cream cos you deserve it. Best wishes.
  7. T

    4 out of 10 women sexually harassed.

    Is "oi oi" a common term to state that someone is sexy in the UK, because I can't think of anyone using it that way in Australia? Here it would really only be used as a kind of irritated exclamation to someone to get their attention, or in the Ausi Ausi Ausi Oi Oi Oi chant. The harrassment...
  8. T

    oh shit.

    So if some dumb bitch gets this. Goes out to a party and forgets that its in. You and her go upstairs, BAM, your penar ripped to shreads. She be like "oh sorry i forgot," you be like "bitch.....make me a sammich"
  9. T

    Help Llamageddon Pick His New Haircut

    neither of those. go for the taylor lautner look.
  10. T

    hurricane/tropical storm

    right now it's just a shitload or rain and some winds. but tornadoes are touching down all over the place according to the news. fuck it, i'm going back to bed. i'm not working with tornadoes.
  11. T

    Caught shoplifting

    bamf OP is bamf. :dodgy:
  12. T

    brunettes are teh win, blonds teh lost

    Sounds like somebody doesn't like the "f" word. Fatass.
  13. T

    Cybernation V5.0

    Whats your nation link? Ill help you out if I can.
  14. T

    How do you Britons feel?

    I lean towards keep em' away, however: I think there's a limited amount of point in banning all firearms. Granted, no kids find their father's gun and shoots themselves over here. But criminals will always be able to get firearms because they, buy definition, don't obey the law. And very few...
  15. T

    POLL:Best bottled water?

    Tap water, aka all of them.