Recent content by TortugaTom

  1. T

    Recommend a mountain bike for a tall person?

    I'd get a steel frame. Steel is real, and if you snap a chainstay, it can be welded.
  2. T

    can you use a mountain bike for a road race?

    ROTFLMAO Sure, Fred. You'll burn up the asphalt on that baby.
  3. T

    how does a landing help with dirt bike jumping?

    "the difference is with landing on a landing or flat ground" The diff is either landing right side up, or doing a face-plant, Superman.
  4. T

    I am looking for my first triathalon bike!?

    Check Roadbike
  5. T

    Would you buy a 720P HDTV if you didnt plan on using it with a Blu Ray player and

    I bought a 1080i HDTV/monitor, and rarely watch satellite TV on it. It's mainly my computer monitor, and the occasional DVD (older ones suck). It kicks @ss for photo editing.
  6. T

    What do I Look for In a Trail Bike?

    Define trail. You mean like hike & bike, or the singletrack on Mary's Loop in Fruita? Since it sounds like ya'll have never ridden before, I'd suggest comfort'hybrid bikes. You ride in a more comfortable upright position, and some come equipped with front suspension (nothing heavy-duty, but...
  7. T

    What do you think the future will be like in 200 years

    Land wars over water? I'd pay to see that.
  8. T

    When to change brakes on bike?

    Season has no bearing on when brakes should be changed. Change 'em when they need it.
  9. T

    Celebrity's number...?

    Do you know what would happen to you, if this was true? One of these people, the M&Ms guy probably, would have your kneecaps removed with a claw hammer. At least, that's what I'd do for giving out my phone #. You're lucky you're just a poser.
  10. T

    what can i do/advice??:regarding cars. warning: very long question/rant

    Yes, and you won't like it... Suck it up. Your folks are GIVING you a truck to drive. If you don't like what they are GIVING you to drive, get a job and BUY one on your own. Show a little appreciation. If you were my kid, and you pulled this crap, you'd ride the bus, a bicycle, or walk. What an...
  11. T

    what can i do/advice??:regarding cars. warning: very long question/rant

    Yes, and you won't like it... Suck it up. Your folks are GIVING you a truck to drive. If you don't like what they are GIVING you to drive, get a job and BUY one on your own. Show a little appreciation. If you were my kid, and you pulled this crap, you'd ride the bus, a bicycle, or walk. What an...
  12. T

    Bike size - 11 year old boy?

    You're talking wheel size. There is no 22" that I know of. And I've seen big kids, 6' plus, riding 20 bikes. Looks funny, and they'll probably blow their knees out. You go by frame size. You don't give his height or inseam, though. I'm 5'6" and ride a 16" frame on a 26" (wheel size, remember)...
  13. T

    Foreign cars are better than Americans cars?

    Of course they are. And a side note: Kia had better reliability ratings than BMW. Asian cars ruled the list this year.
  14. T

    My iPhone Shocked My Ears?

    Better tell Mr.Jobs.