Recent content by Torgo

  1. T

    ST, rate my sandwich!

    Serious Skwerl, serious Sammich Maker That is the most appauling sammich I have ever seen in all my sammich making days. You sir, Fail.
  2. T

    Watch my feet

    ney one know?
  3. T

    question about dvd burners?

    The Lightscribe feature works really well but it only puts a black-and-white image on the disk. Also, you have to buy special Lightscribe disks and they're more expensive than regular disks.
  4. T


    People have strikingly different opinions on them. Personally I think they're fine, but you might look like a stuck-up dumbass to other people so watch out.
  5. T

    Spiritually Speaking If life came equipped with a Ctrl+Alt+Del feature?

    I'm more interested in creating processes than ending them. For example, I'd like to add a baloney detector but it would be one that worked on your own beliefs as well as the beliefs of others.
  6. T

    Army Concludes: No Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

    Awesome, are we playing the random quote game? I've got one.
  7. T

    Fist Fighting tips?

    yessir i'll get RIGHT on that :tup:
  8. T

    MAP Member Mind Avatar

    Pic. # 1 - Late for Dinner - Note the empty spot. Pic. # 2 - Wildings - Wildings joined during a time I was typing in "random country" and "girls" on Google Images. She said she's from Italy, so she got stuck with that. Pic. # 3 - JWT - This is a picture of a doorman. It says, "hello and...
  9. T

    Anit social/noise pollution-new laws

    Where I live is an ongoing nightmare of noise... most is industrial as the council in their infinite "wisdom" decided to but units next to housing... good sense eh... we have kept diaries, called, 1 resident has even gone to court and all this over 10-15 years, in the last 2 years its become...
  10. T

    Does Satellite TV fulfill Bible Prophecy?

    Sorry, I don't see the part where ESPN offers NFL football in HD.
  11. T

    Jamaica Anyone?

    It has a shitload of crime.
  12. T

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    *Richard Dean Anderson cooking pasta for you in a nude apron*
  13. T

    When Mr. Rogers died, was he reunited in heaven with his puppets?

  14. T

    :dodgyrun: so i have a shit load of firecrackers.......

    i hate small talk now.
  15. T

    I enjoy the taste of icecream

    You never happened.