Recent content by TonyGe

  1. T

    What would be the sexiest gay/lesbian hollywood couple?

    Shia Lebouf and Orlando Bloom (short hair) OMG if I spent the night with them I would call the middle. Sh*t they are sexy
  2. T

    LGBT: Who do you think is the hottest celebrity?

    Shia Lebouf. OMG he is hot
  3. T

    Got any celeb crushes?

    Shia Leboeuf OMG he is soooooo sexy [ =
  4. T

    Is it true that gay men do not have an?

    I would say so because I don't it's like how straight guys don't get an erectin for men it just doesn't happen
  5. T

    What would the world be like if there was NO religions?

    A lot better. There would be no fighting over whos variation of the same thing is right. People have even died over their religions and wars have been started for that very reason. I think everyone should just be good people and accept and respect everyone and there would be no issue.
  6. T

    Do straights and gays start realizing their sexual orientation at around

    I would say so cuz I began to realize I like boys when I was lik 8 so yes I would say so
  7. T

    How do i become straight, and not gay?

    Can't I'm sorry
  8. T

    Do any of you 13-16 year olds even know if you are really gay?

    Yes I'm sure. Why don't you question heterosexuality in the teen years they can change too which some do just as some gay teens change. I'm sure though that I find guys attractive
  9. T

    Why are gays not content with a civil union why do they want to marry?

    We just want to be equal to everyone else. I'm fine with civil unions for everyone because if it is declraed a religous event than we would also have deny atheist and inther religous marriges. Civil unions would fix all the debate over this whole situation.
  10. T

    Do mostly Gay guys work out in the gym?

    I'm gay and I don't work out at all I'm way to lazy
  11. T

    Why are so many Gay people ashamed of their sexuality?

    I get the problems because of society but I don't let that get in my way. My family doesn't want a gay kid in the family. I live in the most conservative hell you could live in and I hear alot of it but I am still not ashamed of being gay. I just want to know what's wrong with it to you guys...