Recent content by tonnywillgram

  1. T

    Do you talk about your day at work to your family basically everyday?

    It does sound annoying, but did you or your brother talk to her about it? Maybe she has to know For me, I only talk to my family something that is important for them to know and not the whole details unless they want to ask me about it.
  2. T

    Do you think it is healthy to talk on the phone everyday in a relationship?

    i don't think its unhealthy if you talk to your bf everyday as long as you are not bothering him in anyway. An agreement should be made between the two of you as to how often you can talk to him on the phone..
  3. T

    How do I fix my relationship?

    you've got to talk to him about how you feel everytime he goes out with his friends and also tell him about your expectations. that way he will know and will be able to understand your situation....
  4. T

    Please read

    Hello, I'm new here. I just wanted to say hello and will be looking forward to seeing what I can learn here!