Recent content by TomT

  1. T

    Exercise your thinky muscles!

    Still dont get it haha.
  2. T

    The sad and painful irony of it all....

    I had your back Slip! (continue...)
  3. T

    If you owned PBnation

    Mothafuckin Dawt
  4. T

    Army Concludes: No Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

    If somewhere like Cuba (for example) was banging people up without trial for years on the suspician that they might possible have done something, then the USA would be holding it up as an example of what an evil totalitarian regime they are. But when the USA does just that, it's supposed to be...
  5. T

    How to become a tow truck driver in washington state?

    Get a tow truck, climb in, start it, and tow stuff
  6. T

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Oh my apologies. I thought I was writing in my lonely hearts advice column
  7. T

    Funny Knockoffs and Counterfeits (pics)

    i dont understand why you would buy a fake addidas bag for like 3 dollars less its just not worth the humiliation in my opinion
  8. T

    BEES, do they know?

  9. T

    Thought of the Day

    Invite a random tramp into work
  10. T


    Yes I'm fairly sure it's never received any sort of serious attention. The paranormal is automatically labelled as nonsense. Why would i want to provide you with research proving the "holy Trinity" is real? I've stated many times here on MAP there is no direct evidence that Jesus Christ ever...
  11. T

    Tough Guy, UK!

    Hi my fellow MAPers!! This is one for all the nutjobs, psychos and sadists out there!! A couple of my friends and I are doing the 'Tough Guy' event, in Wolverhampton in July. If you've never heard of it, check it out here: and here...
  12. T

    Who do mma feel when they get beat down by tkd? see video?

    realizing that mma sucks compare to tkd How do you feel
  13. T

    Why are you on TSR on a friday night?

    Stayed in to go to bed early because I have to work tomorrow. And it's just gone 1am so I totally failed...
  14. T

    I'm interested in these religions...?

    Maybe try the other side of the fence too like "god is not great" - christopher hitchens He points out the faults, it's good to have a balanced view but I'll probably get attacked for this post
  15. T

    Right now I am grateful for (fill in the blank).

    That I don't have constipation. Morphine slows down the whole body...