Recent content by toldyouiwasntwell

  1. T

    POLL: Celebrations, Heroes, Rose's, Mingles or Quality Street?

    roses but then i have to say that as they were my christmas gift apart from a pair of socks that is regards
  2. T

    Do you own a smartphone?

    no i dont im not smart enough for a smart phone and i know it would always out smart me, i dont want something thats more intelligent than i am regards
  3. T

    The most interesting topic to talk about?

    politics and what the politicans are doing wrong and how our country got in to this mess in the first place regards
  4. T

    The most interesting topic to talk about?

    politics and what the politicans are doing wrong and how our country got in to this mess in the first place regards
  5. T

    Ministers consider cuts to winter fuel/ free bus travel ? survey?

    i think its awful and im not a pensioner in their election campaign they promised to help and protect the elderly now they are talking of cutting vital benefits for the elderly on which they rely regards
  6. T

    What's your favourite 'useless' gadget?

    my mp3, i used ro rhink nothing of choosing a selection of cd's to enjoy , part of the fun, now i just have to press a button and dont even have to think, its taken some of the fun out of it, but its so much easier than carrying piles of cd's round, its lighter and dosnt scratch and as sad as...