Recent content by tkoreyt

  1. T

    Who is your secret celeb crush??

    Joe Jonas after a good cleaning up of his eyebrows... or should I say eyebrow...?
  2. T

    Who is your secret celeb crush??

    Joe Jonas after a good cleaning up of his eyebrows... or should I say eyebrow...?
  3. T

    Best way to get nutrition while on vacation?

    I'm going to the Bahamas on Saturday and I was just curious on what I could do to keep myself healthy while there. We are staying in a hotel and we all know that hotels aren't too great! I have a couple digestive problems and I'm worried about them. I'm going to bring Benefiber pills to make...
  4. T

    POLL : How is your life without INTERNET ?

    I would be sad!!! My connection to the outside world is through internet. TV is so slow and doesn't give me the exact info that I want. Internet will give me exactly what I'm looking for... most of the time. Plus I like Y!A because... it's addictive I guess.