Recent content by tkontruhdikter

  1. T

    What is a good plan to introduce child of previous marriage to new sig other?

    He's four years old. Send him a message on his Blackberry or just say "Kid, this is my friend Kathy". Then when you need to say "Kid, Kathy and I are getting married". If he has questions answer them.
  2. T

    Is this an effective introduction to my short story?

    It is for school =] ..Dry twigs, sheltered by the overcrowded branches of the sycamore trees overhead snap beneath my shuffling feet, echoing around the small opening like a shout in a tunnel. The sharp, strong smell of rotting leaves and wild flowers hang around in the sweltering heat...
  3. T

    Essay Help!?

    Hope this helps
  4. T

    how should i apologize to him? (10 points!)?

    You see Bob (whatever his name is) in class or in the hall You: Hey Bob, I forgot to ask you about your vacation. Bob: Oh it was fine You: Listen I'm sorry about everything, I still want to be your friend and talk to you. Bob: Forget about it You: Lunch on me? Bob: O. K now I really forgot...
  5. T

    What would be a better vacation spot for 19 year olds who want a beach and dance clubs. Miami or San Diego?

    What would be a better vacation spot for 19 year olds who want a beach and dance clubs. Miami or San Diego? Both are great cities, I live in San Diego and love it but its kind of a 21 and up town. But unlike Miami, you can drive down to Tijuana, which is about 15 minutes south of downtown, and...
  6. T

    How should I get with this girl?

    well, before you just ask her for the number just get down to basics first... talk on a regular basis so she gets comfortable. then when you think shes comfortable with you, ask her for her number. otherwise if you just suddenly ask for the number it would seem sort of stalker-awkward-ish if you...
  7. T

    How should I get with this girl?

    Just ask her if she would like to talk to you on the phone instead of on the net...if you guys are like you say you are shouldn't matter should it?
  8. T

    Do you know of any cute summery outfits that will suit me?
  9. T

    Lg Rumor phone?? help?

    No you do not but to put alot of songs you will want to buy one..i think it has 64 or 144 mb..which is like 5 (5 minute songs.)