Recent content by timothy_yeav

  1. T

    How long should a first time traveler stay for vacation in South Korea?

    Generally speaking, how long should i stay in South Korea, traveling for the first time of my life and alone! i plan to stay for at least 3 weeks, but i dont know if this is too much for a first time traveler. And, how much is the average/cheap daily budget to spend in South Korea? Estimate...
  2. T

    Iphone 3 vs iphone 4?

    4GS instead of 3GS
  3. T

    how to transfer rockband 1 songs to rockband 2?

    i have the xbox 360, but im not too sure how to transfer the songs from 1 to another.. i know that u have to have the rockband 1 game disc, and obviously the 2nd one but im confused about paying $5 to transfer? where do u pay? who do u pay? and how!?
  4. T

    why is my lovebirds scared of the new toy that i bought?

    they are trying to avoid and this i know that they are scared. should just leave it there till they get used to it? or take it out and not let them enjoy the toy i bought them.
  5. T

    lovebird fight please help!?

    well i just got 3 lovebirds, and right now one of them is fighting with 2 of them and im really concerned and worried, because i want to separate them and isolate that 1, so my mom put that 1 in a big box with that thing that the bird stands on in cages, and we provided with food and water, but...
  6. T

    rechargeable batteries question!?

    i bought that Duracell that comes with 4 AA batteries to charge, and i wanna charge only 2 of them, cuz the other ones are already charged enough, can i charge 2 at a time or do i have to charge 4 at a time? my dad told me its works only when u charge all 4 batteries at once, instead of 2 at a...
  7. T

    What is this really hard piece of skin on my foot?

    it is located on both ends of my pinky toes on the outer foot near the nail and its really hard like rock, and it hurts when i put my foot in the shoe, what is this and how can i get rid of it?
  8. T

    i recently bought woman express skinny jeans and im a boy u think thats... for a boy to do? i did that only b'cuz of the fact that skinnys barely come in men jeans, and they make more for women then men. and i got a few more pair.