Recent content by Tiki

  1. T

    How can I create a picture slideshow and burn to DVD?

    Windows Movie Maker - it's free and easy as can be. You just import the images, drage them to their own cells, set teh time and you can even use custom transitions. That's how some look like they dissolve or slide out or box in and so on. You can even apply filters to the video if you want to...
  2. T

    Does bodybuilding stunted my growth ?

    Im busy with bodybuilding alot i workout 6 times a week for 2 hours. I have some perfect gains im 152 lbs 5'7 feet i can bench press 165 lbs three sets of 8 reps is this stunting my growth? I become 17 next month!
  3. T

    Dance/fitness/health tumblr blogs to follow?

    My new dance/health blog is called "thatdanceblog". Follow me :) I'll follow back. If you have a dance blog please tell me. More hip hop Contemporary dance blogs please :)
  4. T

    How do I flash my computers DVD drive to burn/write a DVD+R DL 8.5gb disc (memorex)

    For one - why are you burning the ISO to a disk to edit anything? You have to edit what's in the ISO with appropriate software, then burn it to a disk. You could go grab 7 zip for free and just extract teh ISO image, make your changes then build a new ISO Instead of flashing and possibly...
  5. T

    My iTouch 4th Gen decided to take a little milisecond swim.?

    go to and order a new screen and digitizer - it's all you can do, but it's way cheaper than anything else. I spent $95 to get 2 screens, a tool kit and some sticky tape for 2 iPods, the tutorials are free and totally rock! Other than that you can do the turney, look...
  6. T

    How can i record a piece of music from a dvd on a laptop without downloading any...

    Plug in a Mic, open up Sound Recorder, start playing the movie, press the Record button until it's done, do this until you get the best sound (you'll have to try a few times). DONE!
  7. T

    Is X Christ in Greek?

    Yes and in modern times proof still exists in porno. Don't believe me? Find any XXX movie and watch it. Some chick will call on god at least 3 times in the movie! Proof positive that the Greek culture is still alive and rich in the porn industry - minus te hairyness thank X (that's for christ...
  8. T

    Iphone 3gs 4.3.5 to Iphone 3gs 4.3?

    OK cheese whiz, this is a prime example of why people should read before doing things to their electronic devices. First off - unless you haveyour SHSH blobs stored somewhere there's no downgrading it. You'll have to run the little bugger on 4.3.5. Second problem is that your phone is damaged...
  9. T

    Why isn't my itouch downloading videos and apps from my computer?

    When you connect your iTouch to iTunes that screen comes up that shows a picture of it and stuff. Across the top of that screen are some tabs and you have to click on the tab for whatever app, movie, TV shows and enable that type of media to sync to your iTouch. If you don't have eought space...
  10. T

    Is it illegal to have swear words on a greeting card visible to children?

    You should really consider teaching your children right from wrong as opposed to completely sheltering them and pretending the F word doesn't exist. Both of my children are fully aware of foul language and what it means. Neither of my children uses it in the presence of myself or other adults...
  11. T

    Why can't god and evolution both exist?

    The ONLY reason any Christian has EVER been able to give me that evolution is wrong is that it would be saying God made a mistake that had to be corrected. Then if asked why would God let children die and plagues wipe out 1,00's of people and AIDS exist they all say "the Lord works in...
  12. T

    I have a Netgear wireless adapter and a Verizon Mifi 2200 wireless router.

    On your PC, right click on My Network Places and pick Properties. Right click on your Local Area Network Connection (or whatever the name is for your hard wire connection) and select Disable. Restart your PC and connect to the wireless network. Additionally - if your wireless adapter installed...
  13. T

    What's with this twin trend with celebs!?

    im a twin :) answer mine???;_ylt=AsMp0m4Q.4ru4HywuirTKN3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101216132819AAFWSJq
  14. T

    thinking about going from at&t to verizon any thoughts?

    I have an iphone through at&t right now but I feel like its not as cool as it was 2 years ago and Im gettin the itch for something new. Im also sick of feeling ripped off with my phone bill being 100 bucks every month. I only get 450 min too! not like I need anymore than that but still. Im...
  15. T

    at&t or verizon? which is better?

    which is better? I had verizon for a couple years a while ago and they kept over charging me so i went to at&t and I have the iphone but its just soo expensive and im noticing that verizon has touch phones now too. are they any good? do they have insurrance on those? cuz i cant get it on my...