Recent content by TheWickerMan

  1. T

    Flat Earthers: How many people have committed suicide by taking an "Around...

    They think the world is shaped like the Un flag. They also think if you get too close to the south pole, they shoot you. So around the world cruises are possible. It is not possible to have equal times circling around the globe in the artic circles though, that question would trouble them.
  2. T

    Atheists, have you ever enjoyed playing "devil's advocate" and argued that

    God exists because if he didn't, the term atheis which means literally "without god" would be meaningless There, i have done so.
  3. T

    What are pros and cons about Tar Sands.?

    there is really no pro compared to oil, it's basically harder-to-get crude oil. 20 barrels of it would have roughly half a barrel of crude, or so i've heard.
  4. T

    Without wishing to start a civil war between Christians. Please tell me if...

    it takes faith to believe in their god (or gods?), and they don't pay taxes. ta-daa
  5. T

    Do you consider science a religion?

    and even inferior to christianity since it's holy book, the origin of species, was written by a man rather than by god himself? btw: that was a Poe question.
  6. T

    If I attach a hang glider to the top of my bike and drove it off my

    at such low speeds, hang gliders tend to fall nose-first. you would probably break your neck. gliders don't glide that much without a great initial velocity and good air currents. don't try it.
  7. T

    one interesting idea (regarding nutrition)?

    How cold should carbohydrates, and lipids be in order to require more calories to rise it to body temperature than the calories they provide to the body? eating food at freezing temperatures would be a great way to lose weight quickly with no side-effects due to lack of nutrients (if it weren't...