Recent content by TheTrueFreak

  1. T

    What is the republican solution (besides whining)?

    Liberals, so blind. Always so threatened by other political ideas. Why don't you stop whining and blaming all of your problems on Republicans and look at the facts. Obama has already spent more money than Bush. And what change are you talking about? I live in a poor city becoming more and more...
  2. T

    christian parents: what is it with you people trying to force your kids

    They don't. I don't force my beliefs on other people, yet Atheists are always complaining that we do. If you don't believe in God, fine. You don't have to. I won't treat you any differently. But it's natural for parents to bring religion into their child's life. No parent wants to think of...
  3. T

    What is better than sex?

    The AVGN theme song.
  4. T

    My son has been having screaming episodes from stomach pain?

    Go to another doctor as possible. I don't think those are at all good signs. Those are all signs of serious stomach conditions. I'm not sure what I can say.