Recent content by TheQuestiont

  1. T

    What do you make of Dick Durbin's request for clemency for a corrupt Chicago...

    ...politician? Is this Chi-politics? Doesn't he have the decency to wait until Barack Obama is sworn in before requesting that all his convicted mobster friends get a "Get Out of Jail Free" card? "Sen. Dick Durbin said Monday he was...
  2. T

    What do you make of Dick Durbin's request for clemency for a corrupt Chicago...

    ...politician? Is this Chi-politics? Doesn't he have the decency to wait until Barack Obama is sworn in before requesting that all his convicted mobster friends get a "Get Out of Jail Free" card? "Sen. Dick Durbin said Monday he was...
  3. T

    Should Ford have brought up the pathetic performance of the 0-9 Detroit

    Lions when asking for bailout money? ...surely fixing up their weak run defense would be worth some amount of congressional expenditure?
  4. T

    Obama supporters: do you feel McCain supporters complain as loud as you would

    regarding underhanded tactics...? accessing government databases for information used to publicly discredit and humiliate Joe "The Plumber" or hacking into Sarah Palin's email account and publishing all the contents on the internet? Would you have protested more or less than Republicans...
  5. T

    i need to know politics?

    So hears the deal... FULL DISCLOSURE: Im a conservative Republican supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin, so Im likely to be at least a little biased, but I will do my best to be fair. Also, my dog ate my apostrophe/quotes key so forgive my contractions.... goes: The country...
  6. T

    i need to know politics?

    So hears the deal... FULL DISCLOSURE: Im a conservative Republican supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin, so Im likely to be at least a little biased, but I will do my best to be fair. Also, my dog ate my apostrophe/quotes key so forgive my contractions.... goes: The country...
  7. T

    i need to know politics?

    So hears the deal... FULL DISCLOSURE: Im a conservative Republican supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin, so Im likely to be at least a little biased, but I will do my best to be fair. Also, my dog ate my apostrophe/quotes key so forgive my contractions.... goes: The country...
  8. T

    I know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican but was he a Senator, Govenor or

    Lincoln had as much experience as Obama. At that time wars were fought with bayonettes as opposed to nuclear armed guided missiles.
  9. T


    Since we our capitalism provides a Commodity Futures Market in order to allow investors to speculate on the future markets of oil supplies (which is advantageous since it averages out supply risk over a longer period of time instead of shorter durations more susceptible to sharp spikes). If we...
  10. T

    Were Susan B. Anthony, Abraham Lincoln, and John McCain proud supporters of...

    ...the RADICAL REPUBLICAN PARTY? Was the party that considered abolishing slavery considered radical for their time? Was the party that supported women's suffrage considered radical for their time? Was the party that followed a proactive foreign policy for the promotion of human freedom and...
  11. T

    Can OBAMA change the "politics-as-usual" and convince Ted Kennedy to allow...

    Can OBAMA change the "politics-as-usual" and convince Ted Kennedy to allow... ...WINDMILLS to be built in Mass? Ted Kennedy use his ammassed political power to squash a RENEWABLE ENERGY project of constructing WINDMILLS off the coast of Massachusetts, apparently because it was upsetting to Mr...
  12. T

    Don't OBAMA's 3 full years in the Senate prove he's more than just a...

    ..."celebrity"? [see link]
  13. T

    Is the "Future's Market" a good thing? What would happen if it did not exist?...

    Is the "Future's Market" a good thing? What would happen if it did not exist?... ...More stress, or less on economy? My quick take: The futures market allows more time for speculation, and providing more time for speculation always has to be better than less time, since it will tend to dull any...
  14. T

    Will Obama's plan of tax hikes and trade tariffs fix our ailing economy?

    Have those policies worked before?
  15. T

    Why the disproportionate coverage of OBAMA's trip to Afganistan/Iraq, compared to

    all of McCain's trips? Is it fair to say the mainstream press is more inclined toward favorable narratives regarding DEMOCRAT candidates over Republican candidates? Look at how McCain's trip to Columbia was covered by THIS liberal jerk!!!