Recent content by ThePaul

  1. T

    Worst Current Commercials

    also those VW commercials with the fucking talking car
  2. T

    ST help me. Ppl keep saying shit about my feet

    I get that all the time.
  3. T

    Hiccup Remedies

    i have the hiccups and i need a way to get rid of them or i will blow my fucking brains out. I need halp.
  4. T


  5. T

    If a woman wanted to be a man,

    She would never and can never be a man.
  6. T

    Guessing game

    Someone post up paintchk2. I don't have a full sized picture of her and I could use a good laugh.
  7. T

    Canada, our friendly but backwards neighbors.

    Resulting to name calling and cursing makes you look even stupider. Next time provide some statistics rather then curse at him.
  8. T

    Perfect Height for a Girl?

    Like 5'7"... I'm like 6'1"ish and I like to be able to stand behind her and just rest my chin on her head, haha.
  9. T

    If you were to create your own false religion?

    It seems that to succeed and become one of the globally operating, oppressive religions of the world, you need to insist on faith. But outright demanding it probably isn't the way to go. You need to just sort of gently *imply* that without it you'll suffer for eternity. Not all religions...
  10. T

    what is Philosophy of Albert Einstein on Religion and God ?

    You can just wikipedia it if you want a detailed description, but Einstein had a very low opinion of the idea of any sort personal god, but was also seemed to be against deliberate opposition to religion.
  11. T

    Fellow atheists: Do you ever feel you've asked every question about religion and...

    There's really not very many questions to ask. There's like five of them, maybe. The discussion has only continued this long because theists refuse to answer any of them.
  12. T

    Spiritually speaking, if you could see the future and knew a person would

    In a heartbeat. Anyone who says different is too cowardly to face the reality that their actions have consequences.
  13. T

    Teacher caught secksing in Sears

    Exposure of a sexual organ. In a fuckin' bathroom. What the fuck is that? "Oh no Rick, don't whip out your cock in the stall, you could be arrested for exposing yourself!"
  14. T

    Are there any religions with muslim beleifs where you can eat meat?

    Uh... Islam. But why pick a religion? You sound like you're kind of browsing at the supermarket for a religion here... maybe you should stop and ask yourself if you really need one.