Recent content by TheLeahwithIdeas

  1. T

    how do a take a clip from a DVD and put it onto youtube?

    i have a dvd with videos I made when I was little, the root menu is just a list of a bunch of single videos you can watch, I want to upload only two of them, not the whole thing, how do I do this?
  2. T

    UGRENT - What is a good hair style for me? ?

    DO NOT CUT IT. I mean, you can cut your hair, but not a day before a party. cut it a week before a party so it can grow out into a more natural look. For now, buy some mouse, run it through damp hair at night and sleep on it. Or, do it in the morning. Keep it natural.
  3. T

    What do you think of PDA?

    kiss on the cheek, peck on the lips, holding hands, arm around, hugging. But anything more than that...too personal. I mean maybe if you're in a public place with no one around...making out is fine...but seriously...more than making out in one wants to see that.