Recent content by TheHappyAtheist

  1. T

    Spiritually complaining.... Wheres my cookies?

    The cookies should be passing through my large intestine as I type this.
  2. T

    Atheists, did you know that long after your great grandchildren are done

    How does it feel to be scammed by a couple of Middle Eastern goat herders?
  3. T

    Do you think Obama is the Anti- Christ ?

    There has been forty-four presidencies; does it mean that every president ever elected has been the anti-Christ too?
  4. T

    I am converting to Judaism.... What do I call myself?

    You will be "Newish."
  5. T

    What is the point of the Jesus fish?

    I see it everywhere I go. Do you Christians think your converting tailgaters or do you just want to show off the fact that your a Christian? Isn't that vanity? Bubbles: The question is why do you plaster it on your bumper. Tricia: And just when and where was that? Besides a few centuries after...
  6. T

    What religion do I fall into?

    What makes you think there is anything spiritual about life? Feelings are not good things to go on.
  7. T

    why are their religions?

    Because they all have THE TRUTH! They all think they are right. Which would seam to imply that they are all wrong.
  8. T

    Do you think if all the positive representatives from different religions/faiths/

    Probably not but it sounds fun. I hope there is an open bar.