Recent content by ThatOneGuy

  1. T

    milk = riot

    I would deffinetly try and fight that shit. Then, when they aren't looking, do it again, and claim the milk is tainted. :tup:
  2. T

    Should I buy a 3ds or replace my dsi?

    DSI. It is cheaper and you won't have to ruin your eyes by looking at blurry, horrible 3D. The 3DS sucked, thats why the price went down so quickly for it.
  3. T

    Where can i read books online/download??? help please? The format is a little off but it is still a very nice site. I doubt that it has every book ever written on it, but I really like this site. Since the site is for getting free books, it had a lot of download links. Your site advisor may tell you that the site is...
  4. T

    Can someone list all of the recent fads and overused ideas?

    Things like the recent vampire fad, the overused ideas that are now considered to be cliche.
  5. T

    What movie is this? Description inside, pls help!?

    How the heck should I know?
  6. T

    Obama has the greatest singing voice EVER!!!

    I lul'd. Must have taken awhile to make. Going through all those videos and what not.
  7. T

    Why am I always so tired?

    I am an 18 year old boy first of all. I get about 8 hours of sleep a night. When I wake up in the morning, regardless of what time I wake up, the first thing I think of is how excited I am to go back to bed later. All day until I am sleeping again I am tired. I may not be about to pass out, but...
  8. T

    Introducing me speech?

    I have to make a speech about myself for speech class and was just wanting some suggestions on what i could talk about. I know you guys don't know me but i just want some general ideas.
  9. T

    I'm trying to find a specific book about mice who are at war with each other.?

    It is an illustrated children's book that I had when I was little. I don't remember much about the book, but here is what I do remember. 1. Everything in the mouse world was peaceful but then an evil mouse began to enforce martial law on the entire land. 2. Some of the mice were forced to work...
  10. T

    How to port my number with T-Mobile?

    I used to have a T-Mobile number then I switched to Virgin Mobile and i really don't like their service. I would like to switch back to T-Mobile but i want to keep the number that I got with Virgin. I tried checking the eligibility and T-Mobile says that its not in a service area and wont allow...
  11. T

    How do I introduce a new dog to my cat?

    Your cat may not like the dog because your cat is older and is not used to growing up with a dog. Only time will tell.
  12. T

    I have mine own beliefs and i think its a new religion?

    It's not a religion until you convince others of it and organize it...
  13. T

    why is religion/faith/god the only thing people will accept without any proof?

    People have accepted the possibility of many things without real proof.
  14. T

    Why do Christians ruin religion?

    I am spiritually oriented and can see easily how they take the bible on faith and simply accept it as truth, that is after all what faith is, believing in something unprovable. That isn't the point I disagree on with them in particular, even though I personally find nothing in it for me. It has...