Recent content by thanksabunch

  1. T

    Is Kirk Cameron still married to the woman he met on Growing Pains?

    Maybe some of you Christians know? Did she stay with him after he became a Christian? If so, why didn't she play opposite him in the fireproof movie?
  2. T

    Please help---our refridgerator just died the night before thanksgiving! any...

    Is it cold out side? If it's below 45 degrees you can put everything on the back porch. Do you have a cooler? Fill it with ice and put the stuff in there.
  3. T

    POLL: AT&T vs Verizon vs Sprint vs Alltel...?

    I have to be honest and say that Sprint has the best sound quality I have heard, but I hate Sprint. They screwed up on my bill a few years ago and never resolved the problem. I dropped them for a while but now I'm back do the the fact that I get the best bars and sound with them.