Recent content by ThangG

  1. T

    if i open an account with sprint in a city that im visiting can they give me

    They can do it.. I don't know where you live, but their service here sucks..... I vote US Cellular all the way. Merry Christmas!!!
  2. T

    if i open an account with sprint in a city that im visiting can they give me

    They can do it.. I don't know where you live, but their service here sucks..... I vote US Cellular all the way. Merry Christmas!!!
  3. T

    why 79 percent think casy killed her daughter?

    Because the world knows that she is insane, and to lie about it is just a sick.
  4. T

    Boyfriend doesnt invite me to family holidays?

    I don't think your being greedy. I think your guy should have invited you to his family, and if not he could have split his day. That is what my husband and I do, and we have kids from previous marriages.
  5. T

    How do you replace a turn signal lever on a 2002 Hyundai Accent GL?

    You'll have to take the steering wheel off first. Go to your local Auto Zone and buy a book for your car.