Recent content by Thai

  1. T

    CSR Racing APK Download - the best android games free?

    is that true? where can i download it?
  2. T

    best android game - Mega Run APK Download?

    where i can download it?
  3. T

    Question about Judaism?

    According to Orthodox Judaism: You can attend a synagogue but you can't wear a skull cap as you're still not a Jew yet. Rabbis indeed can give counseling for anyone interested in/friendly to Judaism and they DON'T expect you to convert. according to Judaism, a gentile extremely learned in...
  4. T

    Christians, why does God need your worship? Doesn't that make him really needy?

    God needs nothing. however worshipping is a pleasant experience for Christians, so why not?
  5. T

    Question for Catholic and Orthodox Christians?

    Rome for Catholics and Constantinople or even Moscow for Orthodoxes Jerusalem was destroyed by Romans in the Jewish revolt and later occupied by Muslims so lost its importance It's Rome which give western Christianity that Latin feel the Byzantine Rite used in Orthodox Church comes from the...
  6. T

    Am I weird for not wanting to go on a cruise with my bf? we're both 22?

    we've been dating for about 7 months now and asked me if i would go on a cruise with him... for me i think that is a big trip just for bf/gf... and i told him i didnt want to and i dont know how else to explain it... i dont mind going some place with him for a few days or whatever... but for...
  7. T

    is Sand Of Destruction for ds a good game?

    im looking for a long rpg game
  8. T

    Do I need to restore my iPad before I jailbreak ?

    Do I need to restore my iPad before I jailbreak ?
  9. T

    Do I need to restore my iPad before I jailbreak ?

    Do I need to restore my iPad before I jailbreak ?
  10. T

    Is it easy to jailbreak an iPad now ?

    Is it easy to jailbreak an iPad now ?
  11. T

    He is going to scream at me again and why?

    Remind him that this is your child and he has no reason to be upset with you because of your child's problems. Also remind him that this is your 32 year old sons business, and if he has any say in it, he needs to talk to him, not sceam at you about it.
  12. T

    short chest pains what could it be

    just recently like a week or two i noticed i get short chest pains on my left side in between like my breast bone and my left boob.... it lasts for two to five seconds and if i apply pressure and breath it will go away im not sure what it is and havent told my parents yet ... dont want to bother...