Recent content by Terisu

  1. T

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Peace treaties and the NFZ ar enot one and the same.... if you believe there was legal basis for them, please provide the treaty, resolution, law etc...
  2. T

    wat gives u a boner that shouldnt v.2

    we have already said that
  3. T

    Alcoholics Anonymous: V. with a poll!

    I would be if I wasn't at work, but I'll be pouring myself at least two glasses of Rohrbach Scotch Ale when I get home.
  4. T

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Ahhh I've flyered for a fair few bars and clubs, if you let it bother you you'll go mental, if your bigger than them make a joke of how silly it is, if not just smile and forget about them. I've some hellish stories from working promo but it was overall a great laugh, make sure you have fun...
  5. T

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Poor Moi. Hope it's nothing serious.
  6. T

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays There's something of a storm in progress. I've made peace with my desire for a lack of peace. Zen, nice posts, but might be easier if you learn to edit them into one rather than posting three in a row within a few minutes.
  7. T

    Naturally Angry Neutral Face?

    Seventeen almost eighteen. Basically the time period where I'm supposed to be picking up women constantly which becomes a hell of a lot harder once they all think you're constantly angry.
  8. T

    The Carnivore Thread

    I'm curious that he chose lime to season her forearm with. I've tried lime juice with fish, but never with red meat. Has anyone else?
  9. T

    Chinese State Circuis - Swan Lake

    The part that really drove me nuts is where she spins on his forehead at the end. That whole bit was just insane.
  10. T

    How to lose a girlfriend....

    Ew I don't care what people think, the Olsen twins are bizarre looking.
  11. T

    What Languages Do You Speak?

    and if typed on a keyboard with all the consonants on it what would it ACTUALLY say?
  12. T

    Origins of Racism

    See if you can get hold of a video "Blue eyes, Brown eyes." In it, a study of racism is conducted, first on children, and then on adults, by favouring brown eyes over blue eyes.
  13. T

    explained : secret ninja art of putting up a shelf!

    well you have Andy's rant colum in that case!
  14. T

    On Killing

    I would argue for almost the opposite of what you speculate. The military does not care about the long term effects of war on the soldiers as the top priority. The dehumanization of an enemy is so that a soldier can pull the trigger or do his or her job without freezing in combat or hesitation...