Recent content by tennyo_akana

  1. T

    Went to go onto Facebook and a survey from "Facebook" popped up, does...

    ...this look legit?
  2. T

    Oh crap. Verizon question! PLEASE help?

    If I remember right for one day to be connected to the internet it was one dollar. Though that's when I first got my phone, they might have changed it since then.
  3. T

    Best World War 2 movie?

    Ah it might not be during the War itself but I have to say Schindler's List. It's horrible but the fact that it's a true story captures it all completely.
  4. T

    How much do you think it would cost to fix a '97 Honda Civic's bumper dent?

    I accidently hit that car's back bumper while backing it out. The woman is really nice and allowing me to pay for it out of pocket instead of getting the insurance. I was just wondering how much do you think it would cost? The damage was minimal like it was the size of a soft ball.
  5. T

    How to put a song from iTunes to PointPoint 2007?

    I'm trying to put a song in for an effect for my project. However I'm having trouble. I tried copying and pasting the song onto my desktop however it's not in correct format. Do you know how I can covent it into a format that Point Point will accept? If any can help please do, I'm having a hell...
  6. T

    Is it possible to have a hybrid ice cream truck?

    I'm doing a group research project and my part of the project is to come back with a healthier, rather cleaner way, to help an ice cream truck driver combat carbon emissions. If this can't be down, does anyone know another way I could use in the project? Every little bit helps since this is...
  7. T

    I'm EXTREMLY obese and I'm looking for a bike?

    Okay I put myself on this diet that I"m kinda sorta sticking to ok. I quit drinking soda, and I stopped eating out though I admit if I do miss dinner because of my night classes I will get something lite from Del Taco. I'm cooking A LOT more at home now, a lot...lot. So I lost ten pounds! Whee...
  8. T

    Future Horror Movies?

    I think Nightmare on Elm street was murdered long ago with all of those sequels...
  9. T

    Verizon AIM does it use airtime even if you're not using it but are still logged on?

    Okay I goofed last Friday and logged onto AIM got distracted and didn't log off until AOL signed me off Sunday afternoon. I want to know if it costs me air time, or minutes. I've been reading on a lot of Yahoo Answers and find that people go half and half on this so I just wanted to know. If...
  10. T

    I heard a rumor abput Harry Potter series? ?

    the last book was the final book. There isn't going to be another one in the series. However there is going to be another book that will be written by J.K. Rowling, I forgot what it's about but it takes place like half way between two books if I remember correctly.
  11. T

    LG enV orange first gen need help with ring tones?

    I have a LG enV orange first gen and I want to take some recorded notes I made and turn them into ring tones, does anyone know how to do that? I can't figure it out
  12. T

    My parents make me pay for everything?

    Well I can see them trying to teach you a lesson about supporting yourself however, if they feed you and keep a roof over your head. You can't really complain because a computer and photo isn't something necessary to live on. As long as they feed you and take care of your well being then why...
  13. T

    Puppy Training going backwards?

    My 6 month old puppy Bear has been doing great with his potty training. He no longer goes potty at night (so I don't wake up to find a great big turd in my room) he sleeps right though it with me and my other dog. Every morning he goes potty outside like he suppose to and I praise him for it. He...