Recent content by TejasRules

  1. T

    Why cant Muslims admit the fact that Mohammads original religion was Hinduism?

    do you have any references to back up your stupid claim?
  2. T

    Atheists, should I get a Hyundai or a Ford ?

    it appears you do not have faith in our opinion. anyway please do not buy a FORD cause they are stealing us blind! buy a used car for now. God Bless America
  3. T

    Atheists, should I get a Hyundai or a Ford ?

    it appears you do not have faith in our opinion. anyway please do not buy a FORD cause they are stealing us blind! buy a used car for now. God Bless America
  4. T

    Do you think femal celebrities get nervous when being interviewed by ellen...

    ...degeneress? afterall she is a leb
  5. T

    Should the USA consider a preemptive strike in the near future on Iran?

    Vote McCain-Palin 2008, they will fight the war on Islamic terror to the very end. Unlike, Obama who would sit down and have a cup of tea with AhmadDingyDong. God Bless America Timmy is a traitior!
  6. T

    Why do liberals whine so much about the economy?

    the fundamentals are just fine and we still feed the world. Everything is ok. I have my house ,car and wife. Maybe the whining is because most liberals took a mortgage they couldnt afford! in the end we have to bail you out.
  7. T

    Why should Liberal Hollywood deserve tax breaks?

    We should actualy impose a hefty "Gay Tax" on them for demoralizing our society with crap on tv.