Recent content by TedEx

  1. T

    New job...but going on vacation soon. Help!?

    You are certainly between a rock and a hard place. I would tell your interviewer up front, and add that you made plans before you realized this opportunity would come up. Is it too late for you cancel your vacation. Have you put money on it and would lose it if you cancel? How much? This is...
  2. T

    Is the marketplace we live in worth the loss of the fish in the seas and the...

    If women would stop breeding like bunny rabbits, we'd all be better ff.
  3. T

    what are the levels of minor league baseball?

    Majors AAA AA A ( high) A (low) short season//rookie
  4. T

    Why does Obama need Vacations?

    Need a vacation??? He has been on vacation in Fantasyland ever since he was sworn into office.
  5. T

    Can I write off my Laptop purchase since it's for College and my future job?

    No. It would be only if you used it only in your own business, one which was your main source of income. It would be deductible only if you used it entirely or business purposes.
  6. T

    North Korea's Satellite.... shoot it down or leave it alone?

    Hey, Barack, we;'re waiting for a statement from you. After all, you are Commander in Chief, or do you have to check with Nancy Pelosi or Hilary first? What would Jimmie carter do?
  7. T

    Why is my Federal Govt employer restricting my use of the internet while I am...

    Many companies restrict the use of the internet while you are on the job. After all, it's their computer, not yours.
  8. T

    Remember what Lee Iacocca did at Chrysler?

    Several years ago Chrysler needed a federal bailout in order to stay afloat. CEO Lee Iacocca offered to work for $ 1.00 a year, with bonuses contingent on his making Chrysler profitable again. He turned Chrysler around, the load was paid back ahead of time, and Lee collected a handsome bonus...
  9. T

    Hey, Joe Biden What about Chrysler's Delaware plant?

    I thought your buddy, Barack was so concerned about us keeping our jobs. Yet I read in the paper that Chrysler is closing their Delaware plant. Your comments might be very interesting. You DO represent Delaware, don;t you???
  10. T

    Is it legal if my husband posts nude pics of me on the internet can he...

    It sounds like what is in trouble is your marriage. If that is all the respect he has for you, it's time to admit the marriage was a mistake .
  11. T

    what is the likelihood of getting cellulitis from a big, popped pimple?

    Yes, it is possible. A few years ago, I has a red spot on my face which kept getting larger and larger.Cellulitis. The Dr guessed I might have cut myself while shaving, or scratcherd myself . For days on intraveous antibiotics! \ Did you pop a pimple with dirty fingernails??