Recent content by tCarlosttotheExtreme

  1. T

    POLL: Billy Joel, or Justin Bieber?

    I know, no comparison! lol "You Maybe Right" kicks "Baby" in the *** 30 times and makes it eat dirt. (With all respects to Ludacris of course) I'm bored :P
  2. T

    Survey: What's your favourite Android application?

    Right now the "Google Sky" app is blowing my geeky little brain. You can look at constellations IN REAL TIME without leaving your house. Just point the phone anywhere around you. Rocks!
  3. T

    POLL: Watermelon Saketini, or Watermelon Cocktail?

    It's National Watermelon Day I couldn't find a video for saketini... here's the one for the cocktail.
  4. T

    Survey: Do you trust yourself?

    and most important, Does yourself trust YOU? It never works if it's only one way.
  5. T

    Survey: Do you trust yourself?

    and most important, Does yourself trust YOU? It never works if it's only one way.
  6. T

    Survey: Would there be a lot smarter people if 60's people would have woken up...

    ...from their drug stupor...? ...early enough to warn the next generation about life's truths and lies? The baby boomers... they helped bring about the biggest amount of unemployment, bankruptcies, mental health cases ever. Following them, Generation X people are the first generation to do...
  7. T

    Survey: Why does my pointer go randomly away from where I move it and makes me... 3 times on everything? It's like it's got the jitters and I have to click three times on links for them to work. The CPU "activity" light for the processor is blinking a lot... but no processes show up when I open the task manager.
  8. T

    POLL: Does ":P" represent a French kiss, or a just wacky face that means joking

    POLL: Does ":P" represent a French kiss, or a just wacky face that means joking around? It was interesting to find out that it actually means a Frenchie to some internet old-timers. But in this modern world I think it's safe to say it's just a wacky face that means joking around. What do you think?
  9. T

    Survey: Should you always trust your dancing partner?

    Exhibit one, Exhibit two,
  10. T

    Survey: Do you wanna be a billionaire?

    How bad?
  11. T

    Survey: Is daylight savings an unnatural and unnecessary pain?

    I consider it a wonder of nature to see longer days and shorter days between equinoxes. Personally I don't benefit from it. If anything, it goes against my internal clock which brings along mood and sleeping issues. Why does the time the clock says have to intrude with my natural and earthly...
  12. T

    Trivia: How do you tell the difference between USC cheerleaders, and...

    ...Texas Longhorn cheerleaders? The Longhorn Cheerleaders are the ones grazing the field. Yeah it's not football season yet I know...
  13. T

    Survey: If a set of my grandfather's grandparents were cousins, does

    that increase my chances to develop...? ...a genetic disease? ...or does it just increase my chances to be naughty? (not a family member!) LIPI: Same last name.
  14. T

    Survey: What does the 7th incoming text message in your phone say?

    Mine is from a cutie that said, "Home soon? *bats eyelashes*".
  15. T

    Survey: Can you become invisible when no one is watching?

    Sometimes I can :P