Recent content by TaylorProud

  1. TaylorProud

    death by caffene

    If you eat 3549.00 Bawls Mints, you'll be pushing up daisies. damn
  2. TaylorProud

    Worst thing you have done to someone.

    i made fun of someone so bad in elementary/middle/high school she ended up killing herself. of course, others participated as well, but i was the first one to make fun of her in second grade, and it continued to the day we graduated. after graduation she killed herself. :xeyed:
  3. TaylorProud

    Gun Control

    We can hope
  4. TaylorProud

    The blatant lies thread

    I'm ashamed that ET didn't phone home.
  5. TaylorProud

    Escape! V2 - Pro Edition -

    have sex with hillary.
  6. TaylorProud

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    who said that he kills black people for sport? where did you ever see me say that? you've mentioned it now at least twice. who said it was premeditated murder? did you ever read where i've said "premeditated racial murder"? you're totally misrepresenting what i've said about institutional...
  7. TaylorProud

    Winter is Coming

    Its pretty incredible how good the cast is on this show. Was really happy to see Peter Dinklage get his Emmy and Golden Globe for it. I think this series is the one that the writers said they were going to start going their own way with it? Thought something happened in the last episode that...
  8. TaylorProud

    Who has played dungeons and dragons?

    this video was posted a looong time ago...
  9. TaylorProud

    awesome pic

    look at the awesome pic i found while looking up a pic for gorilla porn! discuss :tup:
  10. TaylorProud

    American Millitary Vs. American Millitary

    Army has more aircraft than the air force and more boats than the navy. Not to mention tanks and AA capability. We also have way more men
  11. TaylorProud

    Hurricane Sandy

    Where did this Moi guy come from? Quick somebody say his name three times!
  12. TaylorProud

    remember this?

  13. TaylorProud

    Racism or Parody

    What makes you see that character as 'negative'. I find that offensive as a Greek Well it comes down to what is offensive then NOT racist. A stereotype of any person then is racist if it qulaifies as negative. That is silly!!!!!!!! Do you think the 'wigger' stereotype is racist to white...
  14. TaylorProud

    Smack the Pingu (game)

    593.5 on my 2nd try
  15. TaylorProud

    Check out my states food. West Coast = Jealous.

    I don't care if your BBQ is good, you guys suck dick. Get off your high horse and realize your a bunch of arrogant fucking inbred bitches with an inferiority problem. You guys seem to do a lot of shit talking, thats why noone likes you. Go shoot your guns, and claim how tough you are and how...