Recent content by TaraP

  1. T

    Crappy threads...

    motha fuckin dawt
  2. T

    Are dreams another reality?

    I believe chemical messages are sent back and forth from neuron transmitters. Though I don't really know how, we get these mental pictures, when we're sleeping or day dreaming. Dreams I believe are linked with our past, future and present experiences to know what we have under gone episodes of...
  3. T

    does anyone know any good sites to buy band shirts from?
  4. T

    Which printer will accept cheaper replacement inks without fussing about not

    recognising them? I'm fed up with my Epson stylus who wants me to spend a fortune on Epson genuine ink only, when I can get cheaper cartridge replacement to do just as good a job. I've tried the switch off, switch back on, do head clean method with some success, but life is too short. There must...
  5. T

    Which printer will accept cheaper replacement inks without fussing about not

    recognising them? I'm fed up with my Epson stylus who wants me to spend a fortune on Epson genuine ink only, when I can get cheaper cartridge replacement to do just as good a job. I've tried the switch off, switch back on, do head clean method with some success, but life is too short. There must...
  6. T

    What stores better?

  7. T

    Have you ever

    CoD4 and oblivion.
  8. T


    Are you just saying that, or do you really understand the Q-Mech?
  9. T

    NHS privitisation explained -

    Are all Conservatives in the UK wealthy? In the USA conservatives are not all rich and liberals are not all poor or middle class.
  10. T

    Who would win in a fight 2?

    I had a dream last night. And in that dream i seen Lassie... at first i thought it was my enemys dog who was comming to bite me, but then i seen it was lassie. (im not joking) So my vote goes to lassie!
  11. T


    I'm going to start a competition. The first person to find 5 popular media articles about North Korea which don't use the word, "bellicose," wins. Seriously, I haven't noticed in the media for ages, yet every other article on NK resorts to, "bellicose rhetoric." Mitch
  12. T

    Saudi women given right to vote

    You know that's how we react. Isn't there a guy who has been locked up for years for public nudity?
  13. T

    Poor security in the extreme

    TBF I think it's bystanders who are laying the smack down. The one guy is clearly trying to restrain him but isn't being helped by everyone diving in.
  14. T

    Wow get this...

    I'll quit talking out my ass when, if he wouldn't have thrown a cheap punch, then you would have beat his ass!!!! Yeah!!!!!:tup:
  15. T

    Wild accussation

    brotherinarms' parents were uncles