Recent content by TammyM

  1. T

    Australian Viewpoint

    Wow! I thought this was all a joke email like the tons of other ones that we all get. I have to agree with Johnno though. They can and should be allowed to try to influence the society. However, when they fail, they should have to live by the laws of the country that they are choosing to...
  2. T

    Privacy and Carphone Warehouse???

    Me any girlfriend where out shopping today for a new mobile phone and had a very odd experience. We went into Carphone Warehouse looking for a new phone, we found one we liked on T-Mobile, went up to the sales guys and asked if we could buy one. Anyway, while they where selling it they asked...
  3. T

    Post pictures of yourself V. I dunno

    Should be.
  4. T

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    You're right thet are being targeted deliberately , by hezbolah firing rockets from civilian areas.
  5. T

    My Pencil Drawing

    lets see 'em Slip gave some good advice. is good to just keep drawing and keep drawing. You eventually find youre own 'style'. you might find that photorealism isnt your thing or landscapes might not be...etc. take time to draw only certain body parts, understand mechanical dimensions...
  6. T

    The World Cup

    would that be peter "the robot" crouch I'm really looking forward to the world cup this year, first world cup where i can legally go to pubs and drink whilst i watch (although that didn't always stop me before )
  7. T

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Wow...I laughed when I read this reply. I love how you look at what one side has done and completely ignore the other side. Do you read what you write? This is obviously a completely biased reply. I'm siding with Johnno on this. May I ask what historical background you have been looking at...
  8. T

    Life Sentence for Abortion

    Uhm... no idea. People like that usually end up in a psych ward. And I take back my last statement. The more I think about this, the madder I get. My only regret is that she hasn't been charged for murder as well. Or manslaughter. She needs to go to jail, exeption under the law is totally...
  9. T

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I am the friendliest anti-social dude you'll ever meet. DAILY my expectation level for people gets lowered, lol... As far as those people with the starving kid in africa spiel.. look at them very calmly and say "I'm sorry, does it say UN Relief fund on my forehead again? I hate when that...
  10. T

    Farenheit 9/11.

    Hehe, in case you all think that Christopher Hitchens must just be a big Bush fan, check this out where he makes fun of Bushs umm...speach impediment: Another where he comments on one of the Bush-Kerry election debates...
  11. T

    Song played at your funeral?

    Tis a truely excellent track.
  12. T

    Favorite Comic Book Character?

    Yes brilliant stuff VS the Hand (Frank Miller b/w stuff btw... awesome)... wow. Hadn't remembered that in years!!! He's one of the Marvel characters that A) always had pretty much the coolest weapon... I mean come on... retractable Adamantium claws and a reinforced skeleton. Can't beat it. and...
  13. T

    Best countries for women

    Who ever wrote that must be insane. The list is bogus. Do not use F.O.D as a human woman shield duh.
  14. T

    People Keep Telling Me That Sex Hurts Alot! Is This True?

    It is a little uncomfortable the first time but after that it feels great (if it hurt, do you think people would continue doing it?)