Recent content by Takeshi

  1. T

    can japan iphone use us itune account?

    hey im living in japan right now and i use japanese iphone. i downloaded a game called puzzle & dragon in my us itune account of course i have a japanese itune account too but because i downloaded puzzle & dragon in my us itune i cant buy gems in it which uses money it said something like this...
  2. T

    can japan iphone use us itune account?

    hey im living in japan right now and i use japanese iphone. i downloaded a game called puzzle & dragon in my us itune account of course i have a japanese itune account too but because i downloaded puzzle & dragon in my us itune i cant buy gems in it which uses money it said something like this...
  3. T

    question about unlimited texting feature on the verizon prepaid phones. please help

    me!!!!? so my questions are this: am i able to add the 10$ unlimited txting feature to the prepaid basic (no daily charge) plan? and, would i have unlimited txts to all verizion phones even if they are not on a prepaid plan? I recently aquired an enV2 phone which i turned into a prepaid with...
  4. T

    question about unlimited texting feature on the verizon prepaid phones. please help

    me!!!!? so my questions are this: am i able to add the 10$ unlimited txting feature to the prepaid basic (no daily charge) plan? and, would i have unlimited txts to all verizion phones even if they are not on a prepaid plan? I recently aquired an enV2 phone which i turned into a prepaid with...
  5. T

    does anyone wan 2 buy baby cat fish here?

    only 4 malaysians
  6. T

    Is there a get a free ipod or iphone site that isnt a scam? Must live in Australia

    and have received it? no credit card or phone needed as well