Recent content by SundayLunch

  1. S

    Is there a sect of Judaism where the men sing before praying?

    Nusach is a concept in Judaism that has two distinct meanings. One is the style of a prayer service; another is the melody of the service depending on when the service is being conducted. Nusach primarily means "text" or "version", in other words the correct wording of a religious text or...
  2. S

    Spiritually speaking what happens if E.T.s visit earth and don't have

    They never have & never will, they're just to far away. If you use the Drake Equation based on the pessimistic basis & figures mentioned, there would be 1.25 trillion planets or moons, where life has currently evolved to at least the same level as ours. But only 9 of these would be in our...
  3. S

    what will happen if they build the third temple in Jerusalem?is it a prophecy

    It will mean their Messiah has arrived They will have to demolish the 3rd holiest site in Islam, the oldest Mosque in the world World War Three will commence
  4. S

    Can I convert to Orthodox Judaism and have tattoos?

    Leviticus 19:28, part of the Torah, the most sacred writings in all of Judasim ?? ???? ????, ?? ???? ??????, ????? ????, ?? ???? ???: ???, ????. Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor imprint any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
  5. S

    If Jesus the man never existed, why did Luke make up lies to crowbar a...

    ...MAN into fulfilling Jewish prophecies? Casear Augustus is known to have conducted 3 censuses of Roman citizens in 28bce, 8bce and 14ce. None of these cenuses comply with Jesus supposed birth date of 4bce to 4ce. Res Gestae 8 All indications, even in the writings of Matthew & Luke, point to...
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    could this be a scientific explanation on premonitions?

    I was watching this drunk fella in the pub the other night, I had a premonition he would fall over and he did, am I gifted?
  7. S

    what is pope John Paul II message to the world?

    Don't wipe your arse with a broken bottle
  8. S

    What religion is more tolerant? (Christianity, Islam, or Judaism)?

    Christianity, it incorporates all religions When it started Judapaganism Its still adopts pagan beliefs from Africa, S. America and Asia today The Pope even attempts to reach out to Muslims and Jews Juadsim & Islam (as it states in their scriptures) accept no-ones religion but their own
  9. S

    can you give me a fact about judaism?

    Copy & Paste from the Headstock Jews & Gentiles of America website: A clear halacha (religious rule) stated in the Mishneh Torah of the Rambam (Jewish sage Maimonides) explicitly forbids gentiles, like Jews, from celebrating any religious holidays not found in Torah or rabbinical tradition. The...
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    Why do so many Christians think the Catholics are not Christian?

    Only in America According to SOME American Protestants the 3 Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Islam & Protestantism Catholicism to THEM is some form of Pagan Pope/Mary/Saints/Idol worshipping cult
  11. S

    I read that Jesus Christ had brothers and sisters. Who are the descendants of...

    Mark 6 (New International Version) 1Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. 2When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. "Where did this man get these things?" they asked. "What's this wisdom that has been...
  12. S

    Does Barrack Osama Believe in Jesus Christ?

    Yes Isa Born of immaculate conception (but Gods not the father) Spoke as a baby Raise up to heaven alive Will come down from Heaven to kill the Dajjal (antichrist)
  13. S

    What's the difference between prophecy (such as those by prophets in the

    A prophet in biblical times was not a soothsayer, but more someone who could tell future occurrences based on current events Not to much different to people would speculate the complete crash of the western economy in the next decade. They're don't have crystal balls but they know about...
  14. S

    So how exactly is the Christ v AntiChrist think going to happen?

    Many Muslims believe the AntiChrist will trick the Christians & Jews into worshipping him but Islam will be against him and lead by the Madhi a desendent of Islam, and when the final battles happening Jesus will come down from heaven and kill the AntiChrist But I keep reading on here Jesus is...