Recent content by <<Strawbaby>>

  1. S

    If you're having SEX with a person, should you know who else they have sex with?

    Yes I believe so. Not only for safety reasons, but for your minds sake as this will give you some understanding of what your relationship with this person actually is. You don't need names and details, but I do think you deserve to know if he is sleeping with other people. I'd definitely try not...
  2. S

    To yahoo users, and yahoo . the reason i .direct?

    Mostly only learned slang terms for bits and bobs... I had no idea what 'beef curtains' were for example .... this I learned on Yahoo...or the fact that people have different sized ones and it was even a subject for conversation or interest... but then I'm 50 and suppose still have stuff to...
  3. S

    Do you appreciate God's sense of humor?

    Is God ****ing with us?He decides to creates us as logically thinking beings then goes and hide in the sky and defy all logic. But if we doubt him he will peacefully and mercifully blast us all into an eternally burning furnace.
  4. S

    Should I reply or IGNORE him?

    Don't even say nothing back because you two will go on for hours. Just let it go and move on. You'll find better.
  5. S

    How often are you suppose to have sex?

    all you can baby get all you can
  6. S

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    Personally, I quite like Sutton as a name. I've never heard of that particular name for boys.. or girls, in Melbourne, Australia. For my second choice, I would go for Coen.I do have to say that while I like the *sound* of your girls choice, the spelling leaves a lot to be desired. Its normally...
  7. S

    If you catch your son?

    I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Cartoons from my childhood.
  8. S

    Why are Hispanic cultures (including Spain) more open with giving apperance based compliments?

    Why are Hispanic cultures (including Spain) more open with giving apperance based compliments? Spanish are more comfortable with their sexuality, whether it be homosexual or hetero. Sometimes, it can be a little creepy when the men stare too much though! But, just take it as a compliment that...
  9. S

    Do you see the Humor in George Bush's $600 per citizen Stimulus Package?

    As you may have heard the Bush Administration said each one of us would now get a nice rebate to help stimulate the economy.If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs, and neither will help the American economy.We...
  10. S

    Yahoo Answers is getting to be more fun, don't ya think?

    NO!!!!! I had 6 best answers and enough violations to make it only 30 points for me today! That blows!!!! :((
  11. S

    Did you find out the sex of your baby before birth? Why and why not?

    At first we though "Oh, we want to be surprised!", but soon after we picked out our two names, we realized that we wanted to be able to call the baby by their name. So we found out, and it turned out that my gut feeling had been right. But you know, intuition is right 50% of the time :)
  12. S

    GUYS: What makes you notice a girl?

    Pretty much what you said. Personality is very good though. And a person who isnt afraid to say whats on there mind.
  13. S

    Do you think animals have a sense of humor?

    Do you think they find some things funny like people??
  14. S

    Should Islam adopt the name of Peace?

    lol.......... all religionz r equal 2 me so i cant say nething.......
  15. S

    If you could have any celebrity tie you up, who would it be?

    erm O_o my boyfriend. He could do what he wanted. just nothing bad. like using whips and beating me. NO WAY. But anything he wanted *wink**wink*