Recent content by StoneDeft

  1. S

    Most Deadly Weapon?

    There is no such thing as a deadly weapon. Only deadly people. Weapons are merely tools, inanimate objects that are waiting for a person to form the intent to use them or create them. I go along with the human mind as the most deadly weapon.
  2. S

    Wish me luck!

    well done!! congrats, dr. moosey!!
  3. S


    like kimbo slice? amidoinitrite? :dodgy: but oh yes theironing.
  4. S

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    I have to wait until the hour is up since this is a new account.
  5. S

    Invisibility cloak

    I thought this was gonna be a thread asking what you would do if you had an invisibility cloak. Now that would be a thread to read.
  6. S

    Apple Juice vs. Green Tea

    green tea
  7. S

    endless poll is...

  8. S

    Snow in Aberdeen this morning

    true perhaps he/she has parked on the double yellow lines to take the photo "police camera action" where are you when we need you because the other alternative is that the driver /wrongdoer has taken their hands off the wheel to take the photo ........and no dont say the passenger could have...
  9. S

    Shooting in Texas

    I'm arguing for stopping pointing the finger when someone tries to help and fails. I'm saying that experience counts more than theory but at the end of the day it's a tragedy and picking points and seeking to win an Internet debate in the matter is appalling. So I'll bow out.
  10. S

    does any one else have this problem

    roll out man, there are sooo many women here who like a man who is actually dedicated (read comitted) to something. Every woman I've ever seen seriously has known that coming between me and my training is a losing batter for her and therefore they dont normally make that choice. Find a new...
  11. S

    "Double the fist"

    Does anone watch this show. I'm pretty sure it's only in Australia, on ABC. It wasn't on last week, but it's usually on at 11:00 or 11:30 on fridays. Yes it's pretty late but it's worth watching it. I think it's one of the most original comedy shows and it's great. Basically a team of "extreme...
  12. S

    fill an airplane hanger up with foam, **PICS**

    lol, looks something similar
  13. S

    U.s. No Gas Day

    I know that, but I still maintain that to the victor goes the spoil. The theory that gasoline prices have skyrocketed because the US dollar has dropped would explain a rise in the price of imported widgets, but it does NOT explain the rise in gas prices given that we conquered a country with oil...
  14. S

    First thread YOU ever made

    click on your name>view public profiles> find all threads>what was your first thread? post a link
  15. S

    Another in your opinion question

    I guess pay scales have a lot to do with the cost of living in someones area.So the more you make the costs are higher rent/utilities/payments for one thing or the other.Because that rent for a single flat seems to me to be way up there.And I would also figure it's because it is a big major city...