Recent content by stillwaiting

  1. S

    Street Names??!

    gum tree rd GMTR ftw!!!!
  2. S

    Scavenger Hunt ideas?

    bump, cmon people
  3. S

    What is Christmas dinner to you?

    Dude, you went to the wrong place. Next time try this one: Click on Main Menu. It'll make your Hong Kong dining experience a lot more pleasurable.
  4. S

    Mikes Hard Lemonade.

    I thought it was "Damn. That sucks." :dodgyrun:
  5. S

    Now how does this work?

    Hey Peter watch out for the corn hole. GP
  6. S

    Dragons, were they real animals?

    What has been proven here ? Nothing, apart from the fact that some people have a belief, be it one way or another - So maybe this could be laid to rest like the dragons that once were. Like I said, nothing has been proven, I would like to add however, that their are some very articulate and...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    ROFL!!! Not sure how to take that! I suppose I do have a masculine attitude to most things - living in an almost-all-male household might have something to do with it, but I've always been a tomboy, never a girly-girl. I was petrified when I was pregnant that I'd end up with a...
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    ST I need your wisest words

    I think I love you- lulz FIXED 1. Wear clean underwear 2. Look both ways before you cross 3. Don't run with scissors 4. Don't have sexy thoughts when wearing sweatpants- that's when you'll be called to the blackboard 5. Avoid 'Mystery Meat' in the cafeteria
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    100 things you probably never knew

    Baby cats, kittens, cannot urinate or deficate on their own until they are about 3 weeks old.
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    A Question for Mormons (split from Rev. Bill Keller)

    not derogatory anymore, it's just how we're generally known. the real name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, for anyone who is interested...
  11. S

    Guy rules

    how can this be a man's rule when all the time i see women dressed for Skank City when it is obviously cold outside? lol i guess someone forgot to fax this one to my professional chef male friend. ;P LOL an orgy! =]
  12. S

    computer help

    Jade Goody's stupidity is nowhere near as disturbing as the people who buy magazines to find out what she's doing on a weekly basis... that's where she gets her income after all.
  13. S

    The Gates Of Hell Have Opened
  14. S

    Remind me again

    it's come a long way from the first ever christmas - hot and in free lodging.
  15. S

    TEENS: What trend do you absolutely HATE?

    Emo Those skinny genes are so gay. Especially on guys. And the girls all look like lesbians.