Recent content by StephS

  1. S

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    CHARGING, CLEAR! *Thump* We only went over basic stuff, CPR mostly. Us "men" demand pictures
  2. S

    good/funny pickup lines for chicks!!!!!

    ur fat. works everytime
  3. S

    my friend cuts herself... help!!!!

    Honestly, that is very sad, I hate hearing stories like that, and it happens far to often, however, it is not others that pick up the knife, razor, bong, pipe, noose, pills or the end of the day, it's not the actions of's the person with the knife in their hand...each...
  4. S

    So, DID they have navels?

    sure, y not
  5. S

    Teen dies after being buried in hot asphalt

    I lol'd...fucking caraboose. Unfortunately, he lives 2 provinces away.
  6. S

    Important:must Read!!!!! Save Darfur

    The only countries that will make a difference are the African nations themselves.
  7. S

    Favorite sport to WATCH

    Ahhhh you cant beat a bit of cricket on a sunny summers day.
  8. S

    Near Death Experiences

    Mine was 100% real.
  9. S

    The world has truly gone mad....

    At the end of the day, we ALL came from Africa, so we ALL must have family somewhere that were slaves too. Erm...that's not quite right actually. When we say we all came from Africa it means our ancestors came from Africa at some point. If you are white then chances are your ancestors from...
  10. S

    Help! PUPS!

    Thundar is bigger than Grimlock now, in the last couple of days he's gone HUGE. Even his head has doubled in size, he's a monster
  11. S

    The 2013 Pancake thread

  12. S

    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    The depo shot is reversable. As is other forms of birth control like the iud. The sterilization is (usually) considered permanent. I still don't know about this. because it'll alter their lives - permanently.
  13. S

    Man has Sex with Picnic Table

    who wouldn't???
  14. S

    April fools day jokes

    told my girlfriend i was breaking up wiht her and she started to CRY then i said april fools now we are auctally broken up. FTW!!!!!!
  15. S

    Olympics - Stop and Search by security personnel

    Very interesting, thanks for the reply. It just struck me as a little "odd". Like I said I noticed some of the security personnel at the checkpoint were door men at local clubs. I'm sure they've been through whatever training they needed, but I just wondered if it was entirely right that they...