Recent content by stanleys_2001

  1. S

    Will Toyota say anything about my HID during maintenance?

    Unless they are hampering normal operation... why would they care? Besides... it's your car not theirs.
  2. S

    Why do Cons whine and complain so much?

    I'm a Conservative... I guess what you call WHINING is when... we point out how the LIBERALS have been "Hoping and Changing" us to the poor house. Look at every LIBERAL state.. Look at their ECONOMY. Is that whining?
  3. S

    Why doctors complain about being underpaid?

    Doctors ARE underpaid. They typically have already invested 8 years of schooling and 2 to 3 years of residency. They often have school loans to pay back... and MEDICAL MALPRACTICE insurance through the roof. That's one fear lots of SMART people have about OBAMA"CARE". Our best and brightest...
  4. S

    Is Obama really going on another vacation?

    It's not so much a vacation as it is a waste of 2 Billion (with a "B") dollars of our money... for a trip to INDIA. 2 BILLION... un-freaking believable.
  5. S

    Do conservatives want to sabotage Democracy, so they can introduce an

    Yeah... we want SABOTAGE DEMOCRACY... by ignoring the will of the AMERICAN people... and PASSING LOGS that favor the GOVERNMENT not the AMERICAN.
  6. S

    Will Obama's prophecy be fulfilled in November?

    Well it is an effective strategy to try to make you forget the LAST debacle by presenting new and ever interesting NEW ONES. If there is a SINGLE congress-person standing who voted for CAP and TRADE, Stimulus 2, or Obama-Care... you're probably looking at CALIFORNIA'S voting results.
  7. S

    Why is Obama afraid to meet with AZ Governor Jan Brewer?

    Because in a fair fight... the one with the RIGHT ANSWER... wins the debate. IT'S really JUST that simple.
  8. S

    What to tell my future employer?

    absolutely not. Only share the experience you want to share.
  9. S

    Poll: Are you for or against homo rights?

    I'm for rights for all people. I'm not for GAY MARRIAGE - Marriage against the Definition is not marriage - (Just like a horse with a horn - is a Unicorn - not a horse.) And similarly they do NOT exist.
  10. S

    has anyone here ever bought a guitar that comes with an instant guitar dvd?

    most do have a tutorial on tuning. Go buy a 25 dollar tuner!
  11. S

    Just out of interest. Do you know WHY you are eating a chocolate egg today?

    Because they are yummy - and it's a great excuse to forget I'm dieting!
  12. S

    Are corsages and boutineires are old fashion for prom?

    Okay... Of COURSE they are old fashion - that's the point. It's a return to the old ways. When girls were girls and men were men. If you like them... do them... If not - break the tradition.
  13. S

    Who do I call when the child I am babysitting's parent never comes to pick up their

    Call the Parents... Watch the child as long as you can... Then call the authorities - start with the local police...
  14. S

    How do I pair my bluetooth headset?

    Try 0000 then try 1111 if that doesn't work... RTFM.
  15. S

    Who can I complain to?

    I disagree - it think that's clever and funny.