Recent content by Stammo

  1. S

    Who Or What Inspired You To What To Be A Writer?

    I have been telling stories since I was a little kid. Whenever my brother and I would play together, I was always the one that came up with the stories. However, it wasn't until I was in fifth grade that that talent meant anything to me. I had just moved to a big city from a small town and...
  2. S

    Who is the oldest character in Lord of the Rings?

    If I can recall correctly... According to the 'Silmarilion' (a book that I haven't read since I was 14. Mind you I am now 21, so my mind may be a bit rusty), I believe that the oldest character may be either Elrond or Saruman. I am leaning towards Saruman being the oldest though... if you...
  3. S

    was shakespeare a woman or man?

    William Shakespeare. The name says it all.
  4. S

    Why is the Dead Poets Society so disapproved of?

    It has been a while since I last saw the movie, but I believe it was because it went against the school's traditions and even school's rules. Their teacher encouraged his students to think big, to challenge everything and to think deeper and to find the deeper meaning of literature. I believe...
  5. S

    What Is The Best Book You've Ever Read/ Favourite Books ?

    The Translasaga. I read it way back when, so I hardly remember anything about it or even who wrote it. I just remember that I really loved that book. Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card was a really good one too. But if you read that, I suggest you start with...
  6. S

    How do you know if a book is a "first edition"?

    Usually the copyright page will say something. I think that with older books, they will usually have a date of when the first book was printed (To Kill a Mockingbird was printed in 1960 for instance) and then they may have a list of further printings towards the bottom of the page. The last...