Recent content by Squid

  1. S

    How much will I get for a Nintendo DS Lite?

    I need some cash, where would be the best place to sell these and get the most? Also, about how much will I get?
  2. S

    Why are so many atheists interested in the topic of religion and spirituality?

    There is a reason that the people who know most about religion are the people who reject it.
  3. S

    Bicycle / Bike front brake is locked, the front wheel wont move forward?

    i havent ridden my bicycle in ages, i got it out and the front wheel wont move forward. it moves backward sometimes when i push the bike backwards. the front brake handles are loose, and can be clamped in and out. but some brake things seemed to be clamped firm on the wheel. how do i fix this?
  4. S

    I always have to start an AIM convo with this girl...but she never starts

    one iwth she not interested? whenever i IM could tell that she wants to have a convo with me...but why does she never IM me...? is she not intersted? just wondering.
  5. S

    Why do most fundamentalists ONLY quote Ephesians 2:8-9 in regards to salvation?

    Look at all that boring nonsense Get a life
  6. S

    Because of the recent set of public shootings in the USA, I wonder if our...

    Because a few isolated shootings represent society as a whole.
  7. S

    Did you check out alot of different religions before settling on your current one?

    Yeah I did and now I'm working on making my own
  8. S

    Did you check out alot of different religions before settling on your current one?

    Yeah I did and now I'm working on making my own
  9. S

    Im 60 kilograms and 171 cm in height. Am I too fat? What should my

    weight be for this height? PLEASE ANSWER!? Thanks!! Answers are much appreciated!!!! I'm 14 and a girl.
  10. S

    Dog chewing problems...Please help?

    Well at this point I think the best thing to do for Boone is hire him a dog trainner or take him to dog obediance classes. You could probably find one in your newspaper or an add in the local pet store.
  11. S

    How to get a dog to stop barking!?!?

    What you could try is getting a water bottle a spray him when he barks. Also if it gets worse, try putting him in a crate when he barks so he knows he will go for a time out when he continuously barks.
  12. S

    please help me get rid on my invisible companion?

  13. S

    Help! Very Important Glo-fish Question! Urgent!?

    That's odd. Do you think that possibly the other fish could have harmed her? Try examining the hole more closely, it could just be a discoloration in her scales. If shes skinny, try to feed her more and pay close attention to how much she eats. hope that helped a littel :) I hope she is ok!
  14. S

    t mobile internet use?

    I have unlimited text and internet plan with my blackberry. when i went to youtube it said "youtube mobile is a data intensive application.we highly recommend that you upgrade to an unlimited data plan with you mobile service provider to avoid additional charges." I have wifi and edge. Also if i...
  15. S

    how do you put music onto a blackberry pearl?

    you take the cable that they gave you wit the box and plug it into ur computer and then just drag the music into ur blackberry. ur computer will c it as a storage device so u can just add it